Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 "Who is that?"

Third POV;

Eren jumped of the school bus with Mikasa right behind him. He stood still for a couple of seconds, preparing for the coming moths in school.

"I'm so not ready for this.." Mikasa said and walked past him and forward to the big building.

"Who is ready for this? I mean except Armin.." Erens said. 'That boy is freacking ready for school anytime' he thought and walked up to Mikasa's side.

"Well... Speaking of the devil!" She said and walked over to the blond mop standing there, peering the area.

"Sup Armin!" Eren said when he grabbed the short boy by his shoulders and shook him. Armin turned around and his face lit up.

"Eren, Mikasa! Nice to see you again!" He said with a big a big smile. Eren hadn't seen that smile in a while. During the summer break Armin was on vacation in Sweden with his family. Why Sweden of all places.. He didn't knew. That country is only known for blond girls with blue eyes.. Armin should fit in perfectly.

The three kids started talking about all the things they did during the summer. They had already got their schedules and walked into the big school they should spend the most of their time. After all.. This was the first year of high school.

"We are seriously not gonna find any classes! This school is way to huge!" Mikasa said when they stopped in front of a big corridor with lockers all the way until the end.

"Agreeing with that.." Eren said and started to look for his locker number. After about 10 minuets he found his locker and shoved in all his stuffs.

'Okey. First period, biology.. That shouldn't be too exhausting right? Right?! Ah, man.. Who am I kidding? Of course it will be exhausting..' Eren thought and closed his locker and walked over to Armin who he knew had the same class. Armin closed his locker too and they started walking toward the direction they thought the classroom was in.

Believe it or not but they got there in time!

The classroom wasn't really big and it had about 30 tables and chairs in it. 'How in the world did they fit all these tables I this little classroom?!' Eren thought as they sat down in the middle of the classroom. Some people was still streaming in and Eren got unlucky and ended up beside a guy that seriously looked like a horse. Armin got a girl with blonde hair in a little bun and ice blue eyes beside him. She had a poker face and it looked like she couldn't care less about this subject.

The teacher walked in and introduced herself as Mrs. Harris. She started babbling about some cells and handed out some books that they already didn't have. They took some notes and read some pages and when the bell rang everybody stood up at the same time, gathering their things and hurried out from the small classroom.

"First perid, check!" Eren said as they walked down the corridor. They met Mikasa and the three muskiteers was finally gathered again. Armin started babbling about something Eren didn't pay attention to. He was observing all the people in the corridor.

".. Like the one time you guys poured flour in my shampoo.." Was all he could snap up from Armins speech.

"Well that was hilarious thoe!" Eren said chuckling and looked at Mikasa who smirked.

(Now imagine this in slow motion) Eren continued looking at the people he passed and just as he walked passed one person he turned his head slightly to the right so he could get a good look at that someone.

That someone looked back... It was a short guy just some years older then Eren himself, with a white shirt and black pants held up by a belt. He had raven hair in a bit odd hairstyle. But it was he's eyes Eren reacted on.. He glanced at Eren with silver-gray eyes and a look who could see though your soul. No emotions at all. It gave Eren a weird feeling, almost like ice flowing trough his body. It felt like every little secret and though was exposed.

He passed by with 20 centimeters between them. Eren's eyes was about the dubble size then normally and he didn't like it. (End of slow motion session) 'That was the most weird thing I've ever seen.. Who was he and how did he do that?'

"Eren... Eren!" Armin snapped him out from his thoughts.

"Um.. W-what?!" He said and focused on his friends.

"You got English now?" Armin asked. He almost looked like a little mushroom!

"No.. History.." Eren answered.

"Aww.. Then I'm all alone..." The mushroom said.

"You two can shut up cause I'm having math... Alone!" Mikasa muttered and buried her face in the red scarf. Guess she's right... She got the worst subject.

They walked to their lockers and pulled out their things.

~ ~ Lunch time ~ ~

Eren took his plate and walked deeper into the cafeteria just to see that Armin and Mikasa already was there. He put the plate down and took a seat.

"So how did it go?" He asked.

"Well.. It went.. Not so good.." Mikasa said. It probably went great but she didn't have such high self-esteem.

"It was okey." Armin said.

"Excuse me.. Is anyone sitting here?" A boy with really short hair asked. Behind him stood four other persons.

"No.. It's free!" Mikasa said and the five people sat down.

"Hi my name is Connie and this is Sasha" he said and gestured to a red/brown haired girl with a high ponytail.

"Annie" he said and pointed at the blonde girl that is sitting next to Armin in biology.

"Marco and Jean" he said and pointed at a guy who had black hair and a lot of freckles, and.. Oh no... Not the horse..

"My name is Armin and this is Eren and Mikasa!" Armin said and smiled. A long conversation was started and everybody seemed to enjoy them self.

Suddenly Eren felt a sting on back of his neck. He turned around and looked out over the cafeteria. He suddenly saw that guy with the eyes. He was looking at him again. Then suddenly looking away. 'This is getting really weird..' Eren thought.

"Who is that guy?" He asked the others and pointed at the silver eyed boy with his fork.

"That is Levi Ackerman. He's basically the most popular guy in this school. The girls are screaming after him." Connie said and looked at him. Mikasa froze when she heard his last name. They had the same name...

"He's a Sophomore.. There's a rumor that he actually kissed a boy.. I don't know if it's true but everybody is talking about it.. Not that it would be wrong to be gay.." Sasha said and kept eating her potato while glancing at Jean and Macro. Sophomore.. That means he's only one year older.. There where something odd about him.. Something Eren thought was weird. The way he never had shown any emotions what so ever.. He's like the new Kristen Stewart.

"Well! We will soon have our third period.. Better keep going!" Connie said and they all stood up, leaving their thing on a shelf and walking out from the cafeteria.


So! That was the first chapter of my book!!

The first chapter maybe is a bit boring but I promise.. It will get better!!
And just so you know.. I don't hate Sweden! actually I live in it so..

Hope you enjoyed it and please leave a vote and a comment!

Thanks! :)

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