Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 "Dysfunctional machines"

Hanji's POV;

I saw how Levi's mouth moved but I couldn't hear his words before he yanked his wrist away and started walking I the opposite direction, away from Eren. Eren stood like frozen in place, not moving a muscle. Completely still. I've never seen anyone stand as still as he did.

Then his face face crumbled together in a frustrated and furious frown, his hand flew up and he pressed the palm of his hand aggressively onto his eyes.

Was he...? Was he holding back his tears?!

Shit, what did Levi tell him and why was he so mad?

"Levi, wait!" I shouted as I set of in a sprint after him. My eyes darted between every student as I ran past them but I couldn't spot Levi anywhere.

I suddenly realized that Levi was probably on his way out of the school. I would have been okay with that if it wasn't for the 5 inches of snow that was now covering the entire city.

Running for the doors I also realized that every bystander to their "little" fight was just staring dumbfounded at me as I followed the pattern of stupidity. They had probably seen Levi walk out and was now eager to now every little detail about what just happened.

I pushed the doors open just to see Levi sitting on his knees with his face buried in his hands, shaking.

I believe he was crying. I have never seen him cry so I'm not sure.

"Levi, what the fuck is going on?" I asked as I walked closer I heard the restrained sobbing and his hands went up to tug at his hair. Every muscle in his body seemed to be at tense.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and he flinched back.

"Let's go home." I said as I started lifting him up from the snow covered ground. He'll have to tell me about what happened after he had calmed down.

Armin's POV;

What... The actual...

Did they just break up?

"Eren?" I asked as I stepped closer and wondered if it was appropriate to make any physical contact with him when it looked like he was about to blow up.

"I-I'm going home.." He said but his voice cracked and you could hear that he was on the edge of tears.

He turned around and started walking with determined steps toward his locker. I followed him in case anything happened because if someone irritated him now he would probably not hesitate before punching their face in.

"Eren... What happened?" I asked carefully as Eren opened his locker and paused his movements.

"I-I.... I don't know..." He said and his voice were shaking. Then he leaned his head onto the locker and his shoulders started bobbing. "I don't even know anymore.." He sobbed as his legs gave in hand he put all his weight onto the locker door. I hurried to his side and pulled out his jacket as I wrapped my arms around his waist so the door wouldn't break. He let one of his arms wrap around my shoulder to keep him from falling to the floor. I closed the door as the bell rang in for classes.

"Armin... You should go to class.." He sobbed as we started walking towards the exit of the school building. Is he stupid or what?

"You're kidding me right? I'm taking you home so you can clam down." I answered as opened the door with my foot.

I took Eren home and stayed with him all day as he told me about all the things with Petra and not telling and I don't even know anymore. He was a sobbing mess and I could only make out a few words, the rest was up to my imagination.

Mikasa came home a few hours later after I texted her, telling her about the situation.

And man, she was pissed.. Mostly at Eren but a lot at Levi too. Around 6 in the afternoon she grabbed her jacket and stormed out of the house with shouts from Eren after her that went a little like 'Don't do anything to Levi!'. Eren truly loved Levi... Even if he hadn't told him yet I could see, hear and fell that he still loved him after their fight.

Eren stayed home a couple of days since he went into a depressed zone where the only things he did was eat, sleep and go to the bathroom. He didn't use the Internet, which surprised me, he just... Laid there, in his room, staring into the wall or the ceiling.

He was like a dysfunctional machine.


Chapter 19-

-SO SO SORRY!! I know this sucks and it so short and bad and-GAAAH! Please don't kill me.

I had no inspiration what so ever to write this crappy piece of trash so it came out really bad..

The next chapter though... That's another question.

I have almost the whole thing planned out and I'll write it when I have time. Probably this weekend.

Btw... Next chapter is also the last chapter. If anyone even read this... I thought I would let you know..

Peach out and sorry again... :<

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