Chapter. 5 Bet on It

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              The three way between Cheese, Zach, and Shaggy had ended in the most beautiful of ways; all three of them, releasing their loads simultaneously. When Zach woke up the next morning though, he'd gathered his belongings and snuck back home, assuming that Shaggy would make sure that Cheese got back home safely as well. Despite the night's passion filled acts happening so quickly, the brunette couldn't seem to shake them from his mind, even while at home. He was shaking and trembling, his asshole queefing as he did the dishes for his mother. It was still sore from Shaggy's magnum dong.. he pondered the thought of ever finding someone with an even larger.. better one.. heh.. who knows.

           A few weeks went by before they were finally on SPRING BREAK, the greatest most bestest break of the school year. Shaggy, Cheese, and Zach, like many of their fellow classmates, had decided to spend a lot of their break at the fair grounds. There wasn't often a big showy carnival in town, so why not take advantage of it and it's big, scary rides, and wickedly greasy funnel cake? Shaggy, Cheese, and Zach walked through the front gates of the carnival, their eyes all wide with excitement.

"I want chocolate milk"

       Said Cheese, which was his "go-to" phrase at this point.

"Say we know cheese-man."

       Mumbled Shaggy, ruffling the top of the yellow creatures head, which only made him shart in excitement and pleasure. Zach couldn't help but smile at the two. It seemed they had all become the perfect poly triad to have ever existed, though, Zach still often thought of the brown crunchy alien he'd met that time at the pizzeria.. what was his name.. ET?

"Let's go get some cotton candy"

        Zach suggested, beginning to walk off towards the cotton candy stand in the distance. The other two men followed, close in tow, but as soon as they reached the stand, they heard some rustling behind the trashcans that were lined up nearby.

"What will it be?"

      Said this hideously nasally voice coming from a yellow slug woman with glasses from behind the cotton candy stand.

"Oh uh.. a pink one please".

      Zach said, glancing down at cheese and then back up at Shaggy.


          Was the gross slug's reply as she very slowly and lazily made the cotton candy. She handed it over the counter to the eager brunette. But as Zach and the squad went to walk away, she called after them.

"Remember, Im watching you Zach, always watching".

        Whatever the hell that was supposed to mean. As the squad walked past the garbage cans once more, they heard the same rustling as before, only this time a green skinny tall man popped out from between them. He wore a leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and dark sunglasses to match. He had a super noticeable receding hairline, with a hat ontop to try and hide it. He also had a very long nose, which Zach wanted to secretly ride on. But man he stunk. Who even was this strange homeless man. He looked somewhat familiar to the three, but none of them could remember from where. Just then, the green man whipped out a single playing card from the trash.. an ace of diamonds. And then it clicked for them. It was Ace.. the once bass player of the famous band The Gorillaz.. why was he here and homeless? How odd..

"Cmon let's go ride some rides, my dudes!"

       Shaggy yelled, grabbing the pair by the hands,yanking them along towards the nearest roller coaster, called "THE COOCHIE KRACKEN", which the name alone was enough to frighten the gay brunette. He nearly dropped his cotton candy as he was pulled up the steps to the ride by the very eager taller boy.. oh well.. he supposed he should try and have some fun.


      It was the end of Spring Break, so Zach and the gang were back at boring old school. They all linked up in the hallway, giggling about some tiktok they'd just watched of some old man poking another man's taint with a stick, when over the overhead speakers came the familiar voice of their principal, Principal Dinkleburg.

"Assembly time everyone"

       Was all he said before the speakers fell silent once more. Zach rolled his eyes dramatically and walked with his lovers into the large auditorium. There were students all around, already in their seats. Zach, Shaggy and Cheese made their way up to the front, sitting down in the front row. Principal Dinkleburg came out on stage, and behind the podium he began speaking into the mic.

"Welcome Students of F.A.G Academy, today we discuss your futures. Now before we begin-"

           Before he could even continue, the large screens overhead turned on. Confusion from the audience could be heard. Suddenly, a very graphic sex scene came onscreen. In it was ZACH, CHEESE, and SHAGGY. What the fuck! How?!? Someone had filmed them during their threesome and had decided to show it to the entire school as an act of revenge! But why?? Utter chaos broke out as many students laughed, some screamed, hell some even fainted and shit themselves in the process. Zach looked to Shaggy and Cheese in fear, as Principal Dink screamed for Assistant Principle Mr.PinkSheep to come onstage and help him get this "terrifyingly disturbing content off screen". Zach looked back over the crowd of fellow students, disgust and horror written upon his pale face. That's when he saw them... Mr. Conductor and Gordon... laughing, in the back of the crowd. His blood began to boil as it finally clicked for him.. they'd been behind this.. and he was going to make them pay.

"Don't hold me back"

He muttered, looking at his lovers before taking off, darting dramatically through the crowd. Once he was close enough to them he used an atomic fart to propel him into the air, over everyone. Many students gasped in utter amazement, as Zach flew over them. He landed, well, crash landed into his two targets, one fist colliding with Mr. Conductor's face, and the other with Gordon's. They all flew back, hitting the gym wall. Zach landed a few feet back, his bruised fits raised and ready for them if they were to retaliate, but it seemed he'd knocked them out cold. Just then, Mr. PinkSheep up on stage, had managed to unplug the screens, so that Principal Dink could speak into the mic once more. Everything seemed to be calming down.. for now. Zach stared dramatically across the audience, his now shit stained pants from the atomic fart facing his opponents, as he locked eyes with Principal Dink. He'd seen the fight.. he was sure of it. Would he be sent to detention? Or even worse.. expelled? Find out in the next chapter ;)

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