Chapter 6 Getcha Head in the Game

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Zach's POV:

          A brunette with somewhat fluffy hair, a taller male with chestnut colored locks, and a small yellow creature sat in the principal's office. They were all twiddling their thumbs as they sat, eyes darting around the room as they waited for further instruction from either the principal or the vice principal.
Z: "This really stinks.. us getting in trouble like that".
S: "like zoinks dude, we didn't even do anything wrong. Like what the flip?"
C: "I like chocolate milk"
S: "we know lil' yellow dude. You seemed to really like 𝓂𝓎 chocolate milk"
Z: "drop it.. she's coming.."
         Suddenly, in walked the office lady, Mrs. Presley. She had some famous son who loved to play African American rock music, while shaking his legs all willy-nilly like.
Mrs. Presley: "There you three boobies are. Now, detention isn't all that scary, so don't be shakin' too hard on me now, mmkay?"
              She looked back and forth between the three before grabbing a clipboard and a large bottle of "Jack Daniels" from within her desk drawer. She popped the cap off and took a rather huge swig of it before turning her rather curvy voluminous frame back towards the throuple.
Mrs. Presley: "well, cmon now boobies, let's get you down the hall to the basement. Mr. Niccals has been waiting for you three".
                  And with that, the three boys and Mrs. Presley exited the principal's office. The short, curvy woman walked a few lengths ahead of them, her big ole' dumpy swaying side to side as she walked, Jack daniel's bottle at her side as she clutched it in her hand. Zach chuckled to himself, which caused Cheese to drop a single pellet terd behind them, leaving it in the hallway of course for someone else to have to bother with. That someone else being the school janitor, Mr. Herbert.
Mrs. Presley: "here we are boobies! Just go straight down this flight of stairs, take a sharp left, and you'll be there! Just watch out for any large rats or crows fumbling around down there. Mr. Niccals is quite fond of.. strange creatures".
Z: "Understood!"
S: "say scoobs, you talk about a lot about boobs"
             And with that, the three boys made their descent down the many... many... M A N Y.... Many... many... many... 𝓂𝒶𝓃𝓎... m̘͈̺̪͓ͩ͂̾ͪ̀̋a̘̫͈̭͌͛͌̇̇̍n͉̠̙͉̗̺̋̋̔ͧ̊y͉̝͖̻̯ͮ̒̂ͮ͋ͫͨ... flights of stairs. Once they were finally at the bottom, Zach motioned in the direction that Mrs. Presley had told them to go in. Shaggy and Cheese followed him, close in tow. There was water dripping all around them, with the smell of weed billowing towards them.
S: "damn scoobs, someone's' got the good kush down here."
C: "I like chocolate milk."
            Zach stopped outside of the door, looking down at the puddle of murky water he was standing in. Gross. Suddenly a large rat crawled across his shoes, causing him to stumble backwards into Shaggy's arms.
S: "got ye babe"
Z: "oh uh thanks"
            The brunette stood back up, dusting himself off. He then grabbed the door knob but before he could even turn it, the door was swung open. Before them stood a tall man with a black afro hairdo, a red and black kimono type cape on, that was left open to show off his pecks and abs, a jaguar belt that was rather large and in charge, black studded gauntlets on his wrists, big sunglasses with "the rising sun" in the center, and a big intimidating mustache on his face.
Sho'nuff: "alright foolz, get your assez in her'"
             Man, this guy sure was intimidating, especially t'wards our main three. Zach stepped in slowly, followed by a rather cautious Shags and Cheese. They all went into the dimly lit classroom, looking around slowly. There was a man sitting in the corner, wearing a violet, crushed velvet robe, with gold rings on his knuckles and a pimp cane in his hand. Now he looked cool. He was smoking a blunt, and as soon as he locked eyes with Zach, he held it up, offering it to him. Zach being the little pussy boy that he was, shook his hands, politely refusing it. That's when the other male spoke.
Huggy Bear: "damn.. no one ever refuses the good kush from Huggy Bear".
               So that was his name, huh? Fascinating. Zach, Shaggy, and Cheese took up three desks in the back of the room. That's when they realized that the "detention" classroom was being lit by actual torches on the walls. It gave it a very.. dungeon like appearance. Zach began looking around at the other students, wondering what they'd done to deserve detention. Shaggy poked his shoulder, a mischievous grin upon his face.
Z: "what?"
S: "I see you lookin' at the other scoobs, scoobs. And basically, I can tell ye why they're down here."
Z: "well, go on then".
S: "well, Bibble is down here for starting up gang wars in the school parking lot.
Bibble: "cold-blooded"
           Bibble suddenly pulled out a Glock, waving it around in the air as it flew. Magical indeed.
S: "and that over there is Charlie. He's pretty friendly.. he loves making people smile, but he is down here because he encouraged another student to commit suicide. Said there was nothing more he could do.. nothing he could do in the end to make him smile".
            Charlie sat at his desk, lightly tapping a pencil upon it. Suddenly, a man with a rather flamboyant getup sat down at the desk next to him. He had on large white goggles, a large top hat, a reddish jacket, and some scary purple gloves.
S: "oh and that's Willy.. Willy Wonka.. he uh.. is down here for.. well.. you'll see why".
Willy: "heh heh.. I knew a Charlie once.. heh.. heh.. he's the reason I'm down here".
           Willy said this creepily to Charlie, not removing the goggles when speaking to him. How creepy. Willy then looked back over his shoulder at the "fresh meat", licking his lips before mouthing the words "hello starshine" back at them.
Z: "ah.. I can see why.. he's nuts".
              Just then, a little purple being scurried by really fast, holding a bloodied paper clip in one hand, and a large piece of cheese in the other. It was mumbling psychotically when doing so, causing Zach to tilt his head in utter confusion.
S: "oh and that's a bliblie, they are scary little fuckers so don't mess with em' unless you absolutely have to. Their weakness is cheese."
Z: "okay, thanks for the advice."
S: "and that man right there is-"
          Before Shaggy could even finish his sentence, Sho'nuff had walked over, standing rather intimidatingly over Huggy Bear.
Sho'nuff: "listen here cuz.. I heard you were just handin' out our good kush to any damn bloke who just waltzes right on in.. Issa that true?"
Huggy bear: "sure is Dawg, I'm just tryna spread peace and love man.. peace and love to all who will accept it"
           Huggy bear then shot a death glare at Zach, before refocusing his attention upon the other man that was looming over him now.
Sho'nuff: "awe hell nawh Dawg you know who you messin' with, huh? Huh? HUH? I'm the shogun master of Harlem! Iddnt' that right?"
            Suddenly the deranged Afro man began looking around him, as if he was seeing something there that no one else in the room could.
Sho'nuff: "yea yea man that's right yall tell him! SHO'NUFF! SHO'NUFF! Now Ima kick yo ass"-
            But before the psychotic schizophrenic could lay a finger on Huggy bear, a green skinned man with greasy black hair,Cuban heels on, and a belt in hand approached, raising the belt in the air.
Mr. Niccals: "there will be no fighting in my detention hall, understand ye nitwits?"
           His detention hall? This must be Mr. Niccals himself!
Sho'nuff: "I ain't scared of no scrawny pickle man!"
              Suddenly, Mr. Niccals began beating the shit out of the Afro man with his belt, beating him to a pulp. The belt slap sounds echoed throughout the room, causing Cheese to become aroused. He began fondling himself, his eyes rolling back in his head during the chaos.
            The little yellow man shouted, releasing his own chocolate load up into the air, like a chocolate fountain. It was... beautiful, really. Once Mr. Niccals was satisfied that he'd disciplined the student enough, he walked back to his desk at the front of the class, where he then took a seat, looking over his rather tall desk for such a short, scrawny man. Damn.. he needed a booster seat or something.
Mr. Niccals: "now, if there won't be any more.. interruptions, I would like to get on with your torment".
           His voice was rather sinister and malicious.. as if his idea of tormenting the students was something else entirely. He rose up slowly, spinning in a circle. Suddenly, a sailor moon- like transformation started.  
"f꙰i꙰g꙰h꙰t꙰i꙰n꙰g꙰ e꙰v꙰i꙰l꙰ b꙰y꙰ d꙰a꙰y꙰l꙰i꙰g꙰h꙰t꙰, w꙰i꙰n꙰n꙰i꙰n꙰g꙰ l꙰o꙰v꙰e꙰ b꙰y꙰ m꙰o꙰o꙰n꙰l꙰i꙰g꙰h꙰t꙰, n꙰e꙰v꙰e꙰r꙰ r꙰u꙰n꙰n꙰i꙰n꙰g꙰ f꙰r꙰o꙰m꙰ a꙰ r꙰e꙰a꙰l꙰ f꙰i꙰g꙰h꙰t꙰, s꙰h꙰e꙰ i꙰s꙰ t꙰h꙰e꙰ o꙰n꙰e꙰ n꙰a꙰m꙰e꙰d꙰ s꙰a꙰i꙰l꙰o꙰r꙰ m꙰o꙰o꙰n꙰"
           When the sparkles and sparkle dust had faded away, there stood Mr. Niccals once more, only this time he was wearing some fuchsia pink robe, with the pointy hood ontop. He smirked menacingly at the class, his hands together before him as he creepily wiggled his boney green fingers.
Mr. Niccals: "welcome to the last cult, we will welcome you as our humble sacrifices".

Find out in the next chapter if Zach and the gang can escape Mr. Niccals and his evil cult practices. Oh my!

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