Chapter. 7 We're All in this Together

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Everyone was completely flabbergasted, to say the very least. No one, not a single student in that room, had predicted what was about to happen. Zach, Cheese and Shaggy stared back and forth at one another, as Mr. Niccals hopped up onto his large wooden desk, which was quite impressive with his height and all. The green-skinned man stared down at them, a menacing smirk upon his face. He looked like pure evil.

Mr. Niccals: "EVERYONE! Start destroying the chairs around the room! We're gonna make a fire! A great big one!"

Watching the students just awkwardly shifting around the room, he realized he'd have to "motivate" them a little further. Shouting, he raised his fists in the air, his voice shaking the room.

Mr. Niccals: "NOW! IT'S AN ORDER!"

Zach shrugged, and grabbed ahold of a chair, holding it up in front of him for Cheese to come over and help him break up. He grabbed ahold of one of the legs, biting down on it to rip it off. Zach opened his mouth wide in shock, as the little yellow man skipped around with the chair leg in his hands. He was so proud of himself. Shaggy was in the corner, helping Huggy Bear with his chair. The pimp lord had been trying to break the chair down with his pimp cane when Shaggy had approached him.

Shaggy: "awh geez man, that ain't gonna work"

Huggy Bear: "why not Dawg? I've done it before I swear it"

Suddenly, Sho'nuff appeared behind Shaggy, and leaned down over his shoulder. He was so creepy.

Sho'nuff: "naw man.. lemme use my special attack.. "red sparkle aura: aka the shine"

The Shaolin Master stepped forward, a glowing red light emitting from his broad frame. He grabbed ahold of the chair, his eyes closing for a moment as he focused all of his strength and energy onto it. This was his special moment. Shaggy and HuggyBear watched in awe as all four legs snapped off of the chair, seemingly with no force from the other male. How did he do it? Was it magic? Sho'nuff dropped the back and bottom the chair, only holding onto the four legs in his hands. His expression stayed rather stoic as he spoke, as if un-phased by the act he'd just committed before them.

Sho'nuff: "that's how it's done boys, the Shaolin Master way."

And with that he walked over to the front of the classroom, dropping the legs of the chair down onto the ground where other students had been placing them. Quite a large sized pile had been created, causing the evil genius above on the desk to grin from ear to ear down at it. Shaggy and Cheese walked up with the final leg of their chair, dropping it down onto it. It was perfect.

Mr. Niccals: "alright', let's get on wit it."

Hopping down from the desk, he pulled a cigarette out from his pocket along with a lighter. He lit the end, before drawing it near his parted lips. Inhaling the nicotine, he exhaled the smoke slowly, his eyelids fluttering some as it hit. The students all kinda just watched him; all of them wondering what evil plan he had for the fire pit. Cheese, the most nervous of them all, let out a tiny little whistle fart, a cloud coming from him that Bibble flew through by mistake. The blue fur with purple spots-creature began choking and gasping for air. The drama. Shaggy shook his head, standing alongside Zach as they all sorta just waited for further instruction. The green skinned detention teacher suddenly took the cigarette and dropped it onto the pile of chair legs, causing it to immediately go up in flames.

Mr. Niccals: "Alright class, it's time for you to sacrifice yourselves to Pazuzu."

This caused Zach and the others to immediately begin to panic, their hearts racing rapidly within their chests. They didn't want to die... none of them did. Suddenly though, the rather large clouds of smoke set off the fire alarms. Yes!!! Success!! It seemed as though the evil man had forgotten about those being in schools. His expression changed from one of happiness to one of extreme worry and fear. To interrupt this though, the detention hall door was busted down by a little blue and brown puppy. She busted in doing a kung-fu type move.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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