Chapter 99

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Melissa's POV. I woke up and frowned still remembering that Shawn's supposed to be home by now. I rushed and grabbed my phone and texted him.

M~ hey babe are you coming home?

S~ hey.... I can't babe my flight got delayed.. I'm so sorry

I read that text and I could hear my heart shatter a million times. I can't believe he's not coming home. I started to cry a little until he started blowing up my phone.

S~ babe I'm sorry

S~babe ..


S~ babe please answer your scaring me!!

I read them and smiled that he cared but frowned cause he's not here to hold me and tell me everything is gonna be alright and nothing bass gonna happen. I decided to text him back I don't want to scare him.

M~ it's okay I'm fine I'm fine.

S~ no your not

M~ what do you mean ? I'm fine Shawn

S~ your lying.. Every girl says she's fine when she's really not but she can't say anything cause she thinks no one will understand.. Babe I know your not fine.. It's okay I'll be home soon I fucking promise you .

I was shocked. he knew I wasn't fine he knows. I frowned and just kept my head down low and locked my phone. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. I got up and went to the shower. I stripped off my clothes and got in. I felt my tense muscles relax at the warm touch of the water droplets as it hit my skin like a thousand little nettles going into my skin feeling right. I hummed a melody and started to wash my body and hair. I stayed in the shower for about 4 hours weird right I was that tense and just wanted to relax the whole day. I only left my room for God and water. No one talked to me and I talked to no one. They all know why I'm acting like this and they understands why. I went down stairs and got some watermelon and ate it quick so I didn't have to talk to anyone . I finished up my watermelon slice and headed back up stairs quickly. I put on Orange is the new black on Netflix and watched for about 6 hours I know I'm waisting my day but it feels so nice to relax. I started to get gloomy and sleepy but still kept watching. I never bothered to check my phone but I had to check the time. I turned to my night stand and saw my phone still on the charger. I clicked the home button and read about 2:30 mid night. "Damn" I mumbled to myself and started to get ready for bed. I started to drift off to sleep until I heard someone talk. "Told you I'd be home baby I'm home" I heard the sweet voice I've been wanting to hear for 3 weeks now. I smiled and drifted off to sleep knowing Shawn's home and in my arms from now on.

A/n. Hello my beautiful little muffins💋! How are you gust doing 😌? I hope you guys Kiel this chapter I know I do😉. Anyways I made a bet with my mum that I had to do 4 laps in swimming and obviously I won the bet I get 20 dollars 😂. Well whatever time zone your in Goodnight or Goodday babes I love you guys and Please Stay Strong My Queens!👑😫💕~K

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