Geee Thanks mom.

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A/n. So it turns out I'm sick and my mom Said "Go take a shower cause you have school tomorrow." I got up from my bed and brought my phone cause I like to listen to music while i shower. So I was texting my friend and I was already in the shower and I told her I as sick she said get better and I sis ft hanks gtg cause I have to take a shower cause we go back to the hell whole tomorrow {I call school hell whole cause it's true😂} and I was already in the shower and she texts me "We don't go back to school till Tuesday!" I got mad cause I just got in the shower and I like taking showers but I didn't want to take one today so the moral of the story is I DONT GO BACK TILL TUESDAY WHICH MEANS I GET TO UPDATE ALL I WANT TOMORROW😆! I'll probably update like 6 times tomorrow cause I'll be that bored😂🙈! Stay Strong My Queens👑💁😑~K

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