Chapter 9

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Melissa's POV. After I got tackled in a hug by shawn we walked back into his room and just cuddled all night. I never wanted to let go of shawn he smelled so good. I'm weird I know. Until my phone buzzed. "Ughhhhhhh no I don't want to get up!" I yelled. shawn laughed and fell of the bed then I started to laugh even harder. Shawn got off from the floor and handed me my phone still buzzing. I looked at the collar ID it said Jenna. Jenna's my beta I wonder what she wants?
Phone Conversation
J-Melissa! We need you at the pack house now!
M-Jenna! What's wrong whats going on!?
J-Evelyn smells a pack of roughs are coming!
M-ok calm down get everyone to the safe house and lock all the windows and the doors I'll be over in a minute with the magcon pack ok?"
J-ok just please hurry.
M-I'll be there ok just get somewhere safe.
End of conversation
"Shawn I have to go back to the pack house now!" I said "what! What's wrong !" "There's a pack of roughs at my pack house round up your pack and we need to leave now!" "Ok let me get the boys and pack our things we are gonna go to the woods now go get Haily ok"! "Ok bye shawn love you"... I covered my mouth in shock of what I just said ! "Love you too princess" shawn said and pecked my lips and left while I went to go get Haily ! "Haily I just told shawn I love him and he said it back and he called me princess I am freaking out!" "OMG! I'm happy for you bæ!"

A/n. Hello my lovely people her is your chapter I owe you guys another chapter !❤️ love you guys please vote and comment and tell men what you think about the story please I would really appreciate it.😚💕❤️

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