chapter five

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Mysterious Developments

Mila and Rhydian ran together through the woods. The girl smiled, finally feeling a little bit relaxed about everything. 

As they approached a fallen tree they both slowed, instantly recognizing it. "That's it right?" Rhydian asked, receiving a nod from the girl. 

They both took cautious steps towards the tree. "Someone else is here." Mila said when she heard a third heartbeat, nervous to find the wild wolfblood. But as they approached both took in the familiar scent.

"Shan?" Mila asked calmly as she crawled through the tree. The girl's eyes went wide and she tried to wipe away her tears.

Rhydian and Mila shared a look, knowing they were the reason she was so upset. 

"Hay fever?" Rhydian asked her, trying to lighten the mood. Shan nodded with a faint smile. The pair sat on the ground beside her. "Looking for the monster?" Mila asked her.

Shan rolled her eyes. "Just leave it okay?" She snapped, making the girl go quiet. "Why are you so interested in it anyways?" Rhydian asked her. Shan let out a long sigh.

"I was seven. I was on this camping trip with the Brownies, not far from here. We'd all gone to bed for the night but I couldn't sleep. There were sounds outside, probably just badgers and stuff but you know how your imagination plays tricks." She explained.

"I was playing shadow monsters. Then there was a real shadow on the outside, so I turned off my torch and it came closer. It was right over us, I thought it was just one of my friends so I unzipped the tent to have a look. And there it was, monstrous face, hairy, with these..yellow eyes." Shan continued the story.

Mila frowned as she perfectly described a wolfblood to them. "I screamed so loudly it woke up the whole camp." She finished. "What do you think it was?" Rhydian asked her. "I don't know." She said, shaking her head.

"But when I got back to school everyone had heard." She frowned. "They started making fun of me. I was even sent to a child psychologist."

Rhydian furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What for?" He asked, not understanding why but Mila knew. She chuckled. "I wouldn't shut up about what I'd seen. Everyone said I was just doing it for attention." Mila felt terrible. Shan just opened up to them and she didn't even know they took her flash drive.

"It's not nice to be accused of lying is it?" Rhydian mumbled. "Exactly."

Mila put a hand on her shoulder. "I believe you." Shan smiled. "Thanks, I just wish everyone else did." She said.

"You know." Rhydian started, pulling something from his rucksack. "Chocolate helps with hay fever."  Shan smiled as he handed her a chocolate bar. "Are you sure you don't want it?" He shook his head. "Nah, I'm good."

The pair stood from the ground as Shan read the label. "Vegan chocolate?" She asked. "My foster parents are vegetarian." He explained. "Enjoy."

"Bad?" MIla asked as Shan pulled a face after taking a bite. "Horrendous."

They both chuckled as she set the bar to the side. "You gonna be okay?" Shan nodded. "Yeah, I just need some time to myself. Thank you for listening."

"Anytime." Mila said before she walked away. Smiling as she caught up with Rhydian. "That was really sweet." She told him. "What was?" She rolled her eyes. "Back with Shan, she needed it." He only shrugged with a smile.


The next day at school Maddy decided it was time to ask Rhydian over for dinner and Mila convinced her to apologize. He was stood in the lunch line beside Jasper, staring desperately into the kitchen.

"Hi."  Maddy said but she was ignored by both boys. "What?" Jasper finally mumbled. 

Maddy sighed, getting ready to walk away. Mila quickly latched her arm, shaking her head no. "Look, I'm sorry about the memory card." She sighed. "You guys were right to have taken it.

She had gotten upset with them all over taking the flash drive from Shan. Mila didn't care and got over it soon enough. But the boys were both still upset. At least Jasper was, he even stayed the night at Rhydian's house.

"Yeah totally." Jasper nodded, still looking into the kitchen. "All good." Rhydian added. Maddy and Mila shared a look of confusion. Expecting it to be harder.

"Can you come over for dinner?" Mila asked Rhydian. "Maddy's parents want to talk to us about wolfing out safety." She whispered the last part. "I know it's really embarrassing but we should get it out of the way." Maddy added, cringing slightly.

He nodded but still wasn't paying attention. "Out of the way, yeah." He mumbled. Maddy rolled her eyes. "And when you change, me and mum are gonna braid your hair." But he didn't respond.

"With ribbons." Mila added. "And take pictures." Rhydian just continued to nod along. "Cool." The girls rolled their eyes.

Mila nudged his side. "Are you even listening to us?" He finally looked from the kitchen. "Sorry," Jasper glanced over. "Do you know what's on the menu today?"

"Wednesday's veggie day, why?' Maddie asked the pair. "Meat." Mila said as she made the connection. "Do you have some?" Jasper perked up. "Where?' Rhydian asked. "You got cravings." Maddy realized.

Rhydian rolled his eyes. "It's not funny. The Vaughns are vegetarians." He whined. Wolfbloods craved meat, it was a part of them. "They're vegetarians!"

"Well tonight's hog roast night." Maddy told him. "Where you get a whole pig with all of the trimmings." He smiled. "A whole pig?" She nodded. "All the trimming?" Jasper asked.

Mila sent a smack to the side of her brother's head. "You stayed there one night, stop being such a baby." Maddy giggled. "Fancy it?" They nodded, looking back to the kitchen.

"I can't look at another vegetable." Rhydian said before walking off. Mila shook her head, following behind him while Maddy stayed with Jasper.

 Mila shook her head, following behind him while Maddy stayed with Jasper

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