Mila and her brother Jasper move to Stoneybridge after their pack is killed by hunters, they definitely weren't expecting what would come from that.
fem oc x rhydian morris
fem oc x jana vilkas
male oc x maddy smith
Mila and Jasper sat in the back of Emma's car as she drove them to school. The pair was adjusting to living with the Smith's which was why they missed the bus.
It had been close to a year since they had been with a pack and even their own pack wasn't so civilized and controlled. They had lived in a very small village of only wolfbloods, so they were able to be in touch with their wolf sides.
"Thanks for driving us mum." Maddy said as they started leaving the car. "Yeah, next time you three miss he bus you can walk to school." Emma told them.
Mila gave her smirk. "If we ran we'd get here before the bus." Emma rolled her eyes but smiled. "Don't forget to invite Rhydian around for dinner." She told the three. "We need to talk to him about... transforming safety."
"Just let us talk to him first." Mila said, trying not to groan. It had been a while since she had a parent but she certainly didn't miss it. Emma and Daniel had been bugging the girls all morning about Rhydian. "No, you need to invite him around."
The girls sighed wishing she would drop it. "Just promise nothing embarrassing." Maddy begged her mom. "Of course not, I'm not entirely without tact."
Jasper sent the girls a look as they started walking from the car. Just as they could've predicted a horn sounded behind them. "Tell him Wednesday's hog roast night!" Emma called out the window with a grin.
"Oh my god." Maddy groaned. "She's so embarrassing." Jasper chuckled. "I think it's cute." Maddy blushed and sent a smack to his arm. "Yeah cause you're not her kid."
The three all chuckled as they walked into the building. But it faded as they caught sight of the fliers plastered on the walls.
"What is this?" Mila mumbled as Maddy pulled down a paper "The Moors Monster, Proof." Jasper read off from the bottom of the paper. They all shared looks of concern.
It was obviously Shan's doing. "Rhydian, you idiot." Maddy muttered. "How could he be so stupid? I mean he's only been here two days and he's already been photographed by Shan."
Mila sighed, running a nervous hand through her hair. She wasn't sure it was Rhydian. In the dark room she saw his wolf form form and it was much lighter than the one in the picture. But that meant there was another wolfblood in town, a wild wolfblood.
"I'll talk to him okay?" Mila told Maddy as she shared a look with Jasper. Emma and Daniel woke them up early and gave them a talk about the things they didn't want Maddy to know.
Jasper nodded along. "Yeah, let's give the benefit of the doubt Mads." She sighed but agreed with the boy.
"Hey Mads, incredible isn't it?" Tom called. "Proof at last." He Maddy into a classroom filled with kids. "You go." Mila told Jasper when she saw Rhydian down the hall.
He nodded and the pair split, him following Maddy and her running up to Rhydian. "Is this you?" She asked the boy. He glared. "What so quick to blame me?" He snapped defensively.
"Hey, I was just asking okay?" She told him. "I don't think it's you but I had to make sure." He eased slightly. "It wasn't I promise."
Her heart dropped slightly at his words. That meant she was right, there was a wild wolfblood in Stoneybridge. "That's good." She told him, trying not to let her fear show.
"We need to get this hard drive." Rhydian said, not noticing anything. Mila followed his actions, listening into the classroom. "Yeah and quick."
They quickly ran into the dark room, searching until they found the hard drive. Mila pulled it out of the computer and tossed it to Rhydian just before the group of kids walked in.
Jasper sent his sister a nervous look as Shan want to the computer. She gave him a nod when the girl came up empty handed. Maddy noticed and looked between the three.
"It was right here." Shan said frantically. Mila felt slightly bad, knowing Shan would become a laughing stalk but she wasn't going to risk exposure. "Someone took it."
Jimi laughed. "Oh please don't tell me. It's all a conspiracy?" He teased making her face fall. "Shan leave it, it's not worth it." Maddy whispered.
"You took it didn't you?" She shouted at him. "To make me look like an idiot?" Mila and Rhydian shared a guilty look.
He merely laughed in her face as he backed away. "You don't need any help with that." That caused everyone to join in on his laughter and follow him out of the room.
"No, it's real. I'll find the card." Shan called desperately but no one listened. "Shannon, it's okay." Tom said calmly.
"No, they believed me Tom." She cried out. "No one's eve believed me before." The other four shared sad looks. "Shan we believe you and you know that truth." Maddy told her.
Everyone nodded along. "That's all that really matters-" Mila started but Shan cut her off. "No, this is the closest I've ever been. And the proof is on that card, I'm going to find it."
"Shan wait!" Maddy called but the girl was long gone. Tom sighed and followed her out of the room.
"Why'd you guys take the card?" Maddy asked Mila and Rhydian as she sat at their table. "Mads, you know why we took it." Mila said knowingly.
Maddy rolled her eyes. "No I don't actually, you guys made her a total laughing stalk." She shouted. "Maddy calm down." Jasper said, setting a hand on her shoulder. The girl blushed.
"We did it to protect us." Rhydian said as Mila shared a look with her brother. "But you hurt Shan." Maddy countered.
"We weren't trying to Mads." Mila told her. "Would you rather have everyone out there looking for wolfblood's?" Rhydian added on, making the girl sigh. "No."
Mila gave the girl a weak smile. "We really didn't mean to hurt her." Maddy nodded. "I know, I get why you did it. I over reacted."
"I'm gonna head to class." Maddy said standing from the table. "I'll go with." Jasper followed her actions. "See you guys later." Mila said, smirking at her brother.
He gave her a small glare and blushed as the pair walked away. Mila sighed, laying her head on the table. "What's up with you?" Rhydian asked her.
"Just feel bad about Shan." She partially lied. She did somewhat feel bad but she was more concerned about the wild wolfblood. "Why don't we go somewhere?"
Rhydian got up from the table. "What do you mean?" Mila raised an eyebrow. "C'mon it'll distract you." He said, trying to cheer up the girl.
"Alright, let's go." She smiled, getting up from the table. Rhydian took her hand as they ran out of the school and off to the woods.
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