chapter one

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Lone Wolf

Mila Laurent groaned as sunlight filled her eyes. Her body ached from the night before, yet another full moon. Sometimes they were great and filled you with energy but this one pulled away any she had left.

Though she at least had Jasper, her younger brother, to keep an eye on her when she turned. He still hadn't had his first transformation.

"Mi, c'mon." Jasper said. She rolled her eyes but sat up. "What do you want, Jasp?" She asked, running a hand through her messy hair. "You said we could start going to school this week."

The pair had recently arrived in a new town, Stoneybridge. Their pack was killed by hunters and they were lucky enough to escape. But that also meant the two teens were on their own.

"I don't understand why you want to go so bad." She chuckled as she pulled on a sweater. "I miss it."

She sighed. "Fine, we can start today." The boy grinned. "Thank you Mi, you're the best." They both changed into the only somewhat presentable clothes they owned.

After running from the hunters they were only able to bring a few things with them and that didn't include any money. So when they got to the new town they were able to find an abandoned house that wasn't completely falling apart.

"Do you know where this school actually is?" Mila asked once she was changed. "Uh, no but we can just ask someone." Jasper answered with a weak smile. "Alright, well you're lucky I love you. We better get going."


The pair set off towards the town. At least they knew where that was, but that was only because at night they would sneak in and steal food.

Mila pushed open a door to a small cafe. "Welcome." The man muttered from the counter. "Where's the school?" She asked, stepping to the counter. He looked up from his paper, eyes trailing over the two teens.

"Just down the road there, big building, you'll see it." He told her. She nodded, grabbing Jasper's arm and pulling him out. "Thank you!" He called just before the door slammed.


Just as they approached the large building a loud bell rang causing the few kids left outside to rush into the building. They followed in shortly after, in search of the principal's office. She smiled before walking in the door that was beside the sign.

"Can I help you?" A man asked from a long desk. "We wanted to start at school, we just moved here yesterday." She told him with a smile.

He furrowed his eyebrows looking over the teens. Their clothes were slightly dirty and torn, their hair was unwashed. They also were there without a parent.

"And you are?" He asked. "Mila and Jasper Laurent." She told him. "Well we normally don't let students apply without a parent or past transcripts." He informed the pair. Mila let out a quiet growl.

Jasper quickly stepped in front of the girl. "Were in foster care." He lied to the man. "But someone can send you those script thinggies." The boy smiled. "Okay, I guess I can let it slide this time."

"My name is Mr. Parker." He told them as he grabbed a few papers. "What grade are you guys in?" He asked. "We're both in year ten." Mila told him.

"Great, just give me a moment." He said as he looked between a computer screen and the papers, writing things down. "Okay I've got some schedules for you two." He handed them the papers.

Theye each read their schedules, having mostly the same classes. "We do have uniforms at Bradlington." He told them as he walked to a closet. "I'll see if we have any left."

He came back with two light gray button ups, two, green ties, a pair of khakis, and a plaid skirt. "You are welcome to wear different bottoms normally, but they must be a skirt of school colors or khakis."

The kids grabbed the clothes from him. "There's a bathroom over there." He pointed. "Once you've changed I can show you to your classes and lockers."

Jaspers shirt and pants were baggy but they fit well enough. Mila was having the opposite issue. Her top was tight and her skirt was short.

It should've been expected. Jasper was small for his age and Mila was tall for hers.

But there was nothing they could do, they needed uniforms and that was what they had.


After giving them a small tour of their classes and stopping by the lockers Mr. Parker dropped the siblings off at their first class. " Mr. Jeffries, I've got two more for you."

"Welcome." The man smiled. The smell of other wolfbloods filled Mila's nose but she did her best to ignore it. "Why don't you introduce yourselves?" He asked them. "I'm Mila Laurent." She said. "I'm Jasper Laurent."

Mr. Jeffries grinned. "Great. Now let me ask, are you French?" The siblings both just gave him an annoyed look. "I'll take that as a no, um, take the open table in the back."

Mila locked eyes with a girl as she walked to the table. The unmistakable scent of a cub wolfblood filled her nose, that's where it was coming from. The girl glared hard until she was in her seat. She also took notice to a stronger scent, a full wolfblood.

The scent led towards a blonde boy at a table near theirs. She nearly felt herself lose control, the wolf blood beginning to escape into her veins. The boy made eye contact with her and a low growl left her lips.

Jasper finally noticed the scent of other wolfbloods in the room. He looked to his sister, seeing her veins growing dark.

"Mi, cool it." He whispered, grabbing her arm. She snapped back to reality, feeling the wolf blood fade away. She quickly looked away, regaining her composure.

She had never met another wolfblood that wasn't in her pack. It must've been some weird territorial reaction and she didn't like it. She had hoped being in a new city would be good. But with the two unknown wolfbloods eyes on her, she wasn't so sure.

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