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My favorite flower is a portulaca because of its bright and vibrant colors. The only color shining in this mansion that i call home.
I am in our field making portulaca crown. I have been doing this since I was 5 years old. WAY before i met my best friend Teddy Alclaire.
Teddy and I have been friends for THE LONGEST time, I'm quite surprised that he hasn't grown tired of my annoying self.

"Juliet! Juliet! Come back inside! it's getting dark! Now you wouldn't want those filthy Montagues to take you away! Now do you child?"

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"Juliet! Juliet! Come back inside! it's getting dark! Now you wouldn't want those filthy Montagues to take you away! Now do you child?"

She is always warning me to stay away from the fields because there is no barrier dividing the Capulet Mansion and the Montague Mansion. I have heard alot of horrid things regarding that family. I don't know anything about them so I try not to judge.
"No mother"
"I was just making a crown out of portulacas"
"Come child, your father and I have good news"

————-(inside the mansion)———

" Child! your dress looks like a mess! go wash up before you meet your new suitor" Father yelled from across the room
"yes father"

" Child! your dress looks like a mess! go wash up before you meet your new suitor" Father yelled from across the room"yes father"

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As I walk back down the stairs, I see my father speaking to a man who seems to be in his early twenties.
oh no... please oh please i hope that this is not my suitor...
Don't get me wrong, he is very attractive but he seems a little too old for me. I would rather have Teddy as my suitor! (thats saying alot because he has a crush on my cousin Tybalt, I don't blame him though)
"Ahh! Here comes the beautiful Juliet! Come here child i have to introduce you to someone"
I look at my father then at the man standing next to him
"You must be the beautiful Juliet, with cheeks the shade of blood and beautiful dark eyes" eww... that didn't even make any sense.. the guy says while kissing my hand
oh no... what has my father done. UGH WHY FATHER

"uhm thank you sir"
"You don't have to call me that darling, My name is Paris, i'm sure your father has told you about my deal"
"if you don't mind me asking sir... what is the deal?"
"i am to be betrothed to you in six sunrises"
smh... does that mean six days?
i need Teddy like RIGHT NOW

"um may I be excused? This is very exiting news and I must start preparing myself" haha you see what i did there?
"good girl Juliet, Paris is the best and most attractive one we could find"
"yes father"

——(Juliets Balcony)———————-
i'm talking to the moon... AGAIN...
whenever i think i'm going crazy i just talk to the moon because she has always been there for me.
But tonight is different because across the forest is the Montagues, They are so loud tonight and they're always drinking at the balcony facing mine
enough about them...
"Hello there Miss Delilah, (my nickname for the moon) My father has just set up an arranged marriage to Paris" i sigh and let out a small laugh "out of all the people... why him??" " I would rather have had Teddy as my suitor, and that's saying alot because he kinda has a thing for my cousin tybalt, and i don't blame him, he is pretty good looking"
" my life is a mess... I'm not ready for this kind of commitment yet, and i don't even know paris yet... like how can I even trust him?"

*crack* (leaves from the forest)
"oh no... WHOS THERE?!?"

"calm down love, it's only me"

oOoooOooohhhhhhh who is this mysterious person?!?!
sorry if this story is cringe, this is the first time i have ever written a story...
Love ya!!! <3

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