Week 6

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Saturday April 11, 2015
Apparently I was "jealous" of Andrew. Crazy of Sky to say. Right? I wasn't jealous, just... too aware of my surroundings.
Sunday April 12, 2015
Sky and I are going back Monday night, so today she's taking me around Manchester. I have my camera with me, I hope I can get some pictures before we leave.
Monday April 13, 2015
Our plane is at nine so we're just going to walk around Sky's old place. We also went to this little café that was amazing. I'll write about it later.

So we're on the plane. I got to thinking, about my life back home. All the people and things I'm involved with. I started thinking about, well about An. And then I thought about what Sky said, about me being jealous. I think she was right. It's stupid I know, we've known each other for a very short time. But, I don't know. This girl is different.
Tuesday April 14, 2015
An and I have decided to do a fear factor for our project. We're going to see how people react to different scenarios, and measure their pulses..? I don't know, An chose it...
Wednesday April 15, 2015
Skylar and Finn have been asking An & I to be test subjects in their project. Sky won't tell me what it is yet and I'm slightly worried.
Thursday April 16, 2015
They're testing pulse and pupil dilation.... I had to sit in a chair and look at pictures of random girls (and guys) from our school. Sky would measure my pupils or whatever and Finn took my pulse.... I feel like it was a setup because An showed up a few times out of all the other girls they could've chosen.
Friday April 17, 2015
What the fuck is wrong with me! I ruin every good thing that happens in my life! And for what? To be humiliated? Rejected? I just told someone that means so much to me, something that I couldn't even write in here. I've come to rely on this journal, as much as I hate to say it. But I shared this part of me that only Sky and Trin ever see and, I just made myself even more vulnerable! I don't even know how they replied! Shit, what if she never talks to me again! I don't think I could live with myself. I can't believe, it just slipped out. I think

I just told An that
Cliffhangers i knowwwww

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