Week 9

20 3 0

Saturday May 2, 2015
I haven't been to group in two weeks, my mom is making me go tomorrow....great.
Sunday May 3, 2015
Miss A gave me a letter today, all she said was that An wrote it just for me.

If you are reading this then I am dead, or close to it anyhow. I'm sorry.

This is a tough thing for me to write... As of today- being the day that I wrote this- we have known each other for about two? Maybe even three months, I'm not too sure. We've laughed, we've cried... I think these past few weeks have been the best out of my whole life.

Don't beat yourself up over this, please. In a year you more likely will forget I'm gone. Trust me I'm not really something to be dwelled on. I would like you to know why this has happened, maybe Miss Alison can help you with that..... Please move on, do some amazing things with your life. Well I'm running out of space to write. Gosh this seems so pathetic....... I'll miss you.

(P.S. I think ur a contra)

Monday May 4, 2015
Fuck life, fuck school, fuck therapy.
Tuesday May 5, 2015
Dear God above. Why the fuck did you take away that one good thing in my life?! WHY?!!!
Wednesday May 6, 2015
Christian de Jesus had been on my case again. I think that he's saying that I have done something to An. I've been getting odd looks all week.
Thursday May 7, 2015
THAT FUCKER. Christian told THE WHOLE FUCKING SCHOOL THAT I RAPED AND KILLED HER. I swear to GOD I will kill whoever says shit like that again. I would NEVER FUCKING TRY TO HURT HER.
Friday May 8, 2015
I was suspended, again.....
Holy shit. She called me.....

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