New Day. New Idiots

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Kankri's POV

"Flight 3-54 To Palm Springs is now loading." I stand up straight feeling my back pop in various places. The dread falls over me with every step I take. I just got home literally not even 24 hours ago. Not to mention the feeling of no sleep and exhaust I'm feeling at the moment. "Last call for flight 3-54. Last all for flight 3-54." God time flied by...

I pick up my pace with my passport and ticket in hand as i walk up to the flight attendent. She checks everything before letting my pass by onto the plane. the small tunnel like path goes down a few yards until opening up to the landing strip. With my only luggage bag i step up the stairs into the plane taking my spot, loading up.

Maybe it'll go by faster then I think..

4 hours later

"Um.. Sir? Sir?"
"Huh?" I jolt forward in my seat rubbing my eyes.

"You need to get your things and exit the plane Sir. We landed thirty minutes ago." I feel the heat ride to my cheeks as I stand up.

"Yes yes. I'm quite s9rry I feel asleep 9n the flight. Let me gra6 my things and I'll exit." I quickly go around her making sure not to bump shoulders before grabbing my luggage hurrying off the plane and out of the air port.

🎶So raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right ways🎶

"9h?" I scramble through my pocket finding my cellular device lighting up singing Roxy's special ring tone. I flip it open and press it to my ear. "Hell9?"

"Hi R9xy." I hear a slight giggle as she pushes they person in the background away making it silent.

"So have you gotten to the college campus yet. We have everything made out. Mr. Ampora's dorm is two down from yours so it'll be easy for you to keep an eye on him."

A heavy sigh escapes my lungs as I walk down the side walk. "9h j9y. Y9u can hear h9w excited I am..."

"Oh Kanny cheer up. At least you don't have to stay here and be bord out of your damned mind because you're on probation.."

"Well may6e if y9u haven't 9f slept with that Nitram b9y y9u w9uldnt be."

"Hey I was drunk in Rio and Rufioh was fucking shirtless. The thought of my target slipped from my mind okay."

"Mhm. Sure R9xy. But never mind y9ure past drunken days I'm almost to the c9llege. S9 ta ta R9xy. Well speak later."

"Yeah yeah bye Vantas." The other side of the line goes silent till the disconnection message starts speaking as I walk to the front entrance of the school.

Assignment Elimination: AssassinStuckWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu