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"That's vwhat I said didn't I?" Damn can this boy not hear a damn thing I say? Maybe he's got bullshit clogged in his ears from hearing his ranting all day long.

"But y9u can't d9 that! I didn't kill y9u. Y9U 9WE ME." He slams his hand on the cars dash. "I HAVE A J96! PE9PLE DEPEND 9N ME!"

"Vwere not gonna kill you Einstein."

"Wait. Why not?" I laughed and latte Kankri's shoulder.

"Vwell people like you are either killed or kept as little vworkers, forced vworkers basically. So you my kind man are goin to be a servwant. Many people will want your... Assistance." I smile at him slightly as a look of disgust plasters itself on his face.

"S9 what y9ure saying I'm g9ing t9 6e a... Sex slave?"

"Yeah basically." Small tears form in the corner of his eyes, making my heart strain surprising. I didn't like the feeling.

"Just kill me then."


"KILL ME. SH99T ME. GUT ME. S9METHING! IM N9T G9ING T9 BE ANY S9RT 9F SERVANT F9R Y9U DISGUSTING PE9PLE." He pushes the gun upwards, eye level to him. "Please... Please."

"No. I-I can't do that."

"PLEASE!" At this point his eyes were puffy, snot ran down his face making his look like he'd been crying for hours.

"I vwont let anyone touch you. I'll be your boss."

((Sorry for such a small chapter!!! ))

Assignment Elimination: AssassinStuckWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu