You're a Wreck

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Kankri stared blankly at Cronus for a couple of seconds. "H9w?" Cronus formed a small smile feeling as if he was close to victory. He took his time to answer, making Kankri almost burst with anger.

"Vwhy do yea think Karkat svwitched over and betrayed you? You're pops did the same thing."

Kankri just sat, face blank and eyes glossed over. His mine faced with a thousand words and theories but nothing would come out. It was like his brain wasn't functioning correctly. As his gun lowered slowly, Cronus stopped the car suddenly making Kankri snap out of thought. "Jesus!" Kankri slammed onto the glove box forming stars on his vision.

Cronus snagged the gun and quickly pointed it at Kankri. "Nowv you're my bitch." Kankri groaned and held his head. "Oh stop yea bitchin an moanin. You'll be fin." He started the car back up only to stop a few miles down in a Walmart Parking Lot.

After a few awkward minutes of silent Cronus finally turned to Kankri. "So. What happens now."

"What the hell d9 you mean what happens n9w? Y9u're supp9se to kill me."

"Vwhat if I don't vwana."

Kankri started becoming even more confused. 'Vwhat if I don't wanna.' The sentence kept circling in his mind. This boy was more complicated then he had ever imagined.

"Then......" Kankri starred at the floorboards contemplating his neck move.

Cronus finally looked up. "I knowv vwhat you've gone through. Your profile says everything. You father died to your knovwledge vwhen you vwere only 12. Your brother ran off with his boyfriend to my side. Your girlfriend was assassinated just last year. You're life's a wreck."

Kankri laughed lightly, now hugging himself. "W9w. Thanks f9r putting it lightly there...."

"Sorry. Sorry." Cronus fidget more twirling his thumbs. "I say we just. Take you to head quarters."


Assignment Elimination: AssassinStuckWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu