First Mission

360 12 1

Area:Instant Dungeon

Survival Zone

Y/n and Naruko were running from the various animals chasing them.

Naruko:Why did you create this world?!

Y/n:Come on you can honestly say that this isn't fun? And you're training too.

Looking at her stats he sees that her stamina is leveling up.

Naruko:Yeah but could we take a break first?

Y/n:Yeah. I don't see why not.

He stopped and shot a ki blast at the animals chasing them killing them all instantly.

Y/n:That's done. Let's head back home.

Getting out of the dungeon they head back to their home and Naruko flops down on her bed after taking a shower.

Y/n:It's amazing she's dedicated this much to training. She's even stronger than Satsuki.

Kura:So what do you think you are doing for your mission?

Y/n:Dunno. Hopefully it's a good one.

The next morning Y/n and Naruko made their way to the academy. She was pouting while doing so.

Y/n:What's wrong? You didn't like breakfast?

Naruko:It's not that. I had to take my picture all over again a few days ago. And not only that I got paired with two people I absolutely can't stand.

Y/n:Oh? And who's that?

Naruko:That girl with the big head and Satsuki.

Y/n:I remember you got into a fight with both of them.

Naruko:Yeah and I kicked that big heads ass!

Y/n:You aren't going to talk about how you lost to Sarsuki.

She punched his face playfully. Then she stopped and looked to the wall.

Naruko:Come on our Kanohamoru.


A poor disguise makes Y/n turn to the boy who smiled at them.

Konohamoru:So you found me out huh boss?

Y/n:Wow it really is him. God he's even more annoying than in the show.

Kanohamoru:Hey who's that guy.

Naruko:Oh right you two never met. This is Y/n. He's my adopted brother. But that doesn't matter because our bond is stronger than anything!

Kanohamoru:Oh well since you're her brother that means you're the next boss in line.

Y/n:I'm leaving.

Naruko:Right see ya later kid.

They left to the academy and there they waited for their instructor.

Naruko:Where is this guy? Everyone else has gotten theirs. Why not us?!

Y/n:Just calm down. I'm sure they'll be here soon.

And soon they were but not before falling victim to a prank from Naruko. Now Y/n was the only one left. He was laying on a table balancing a kunai on the tip of his finger. Then he flipped it and tossed it toward the wall. But that wall showed to be Anko smiling at him.

Y/n:About time you got here. Though I didn't expect you to be hiding.

Anko:A kid who knows how to find someone in the shadows. I like that. Come on kid I'll show you your first mission.

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