The Dates

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They three start walking down the path to the Sand as Y/n looks at Gaia who was walking close to him.

Y/n:That look. It looks less like in the anime. Is it because Gaara is a girl now? Or that I became friends with her? Most likely the latter.

She looks up at him and he smiles at her. She flushes and looks back forward. But her eyes go back to Y/n. His smile was hypnotic to her as she could stare at him forever. Then she gains a deadly look and looks to the trees and senses multiple ninja around them.

Anko smiles and licks her lips as she takes out some kunai and throw them at the trees. They stopped and look at the direction she threw them at and the ninja fell from the trees dead. The rest dropped from the trees and surrounded them. Gaia raised her arm but Y/n stood infront of her.

Y/n:Stay back. I'll protect you.

Gaia froze at this as no one had ever wanted to protect her. Usually anyone around her would try to kill her or run away from her. But this person was actually willing to risk their life for her. She felt something painful in her eye as she rubbed it and looked up and saw Y/n attacking the ninja. Kicked one in the stomach and ducked under a sword slash and swung his hand back breathing the ninja's ribs.

Three more run at him and Y/n rushes at them. They all attack at the same time and Y/n focuses on all three. Y/n dodges one of the ninja's attacks and grabs the ankle of the other ninja and pull them up and smack the ninja with the one in his hand sending them all back. He holds his hand to the one he dodged and shot a ki blast out exploding them.

Anko:Damn kid I'm guessing you held back on me a lot huh?

She said with her hand around one of their necks as they were turning blue and foaming out the mouth.

Y/n:You could say that sensei.

3 ninja: Fire Style:Majestic Destroyer Flame!

They sent the blast at Gaia who prepares to defend but Y/n appears snd starts...eating fire!

Ninja:D-Did he just eat fire?!

Y/n:Wow that actually tasted pretty good.

He huffs out making fire embers come from it. He glares at the ninja as an image of a dragon appears behind him.

Y/n:Fire Dragon Roar!

He spits out a large blast of fire at them burning majority of them. He smiles and sees the ninja all either unconscious from the heat or dead.

Y/n:That takes care of that.

Gaia:So strong.

Anko:Wow kid I'm impressed!

She said and put her arm around Y/n pushing him into her chest as he blushes a bit.

Anko:I didn't know you could do stuff like that. You will have to show me what else you can do.

Y/n:I don't think you can handle all I can do. But I'll be happy to show you what I can do.

To their journey to the sand village many more assassins tried to kill Gaia but they were dispatched easily. Finally they had made it to the sand village. And everyone in there looked at Gaia with fear and some with hate.

Y/n:These guys don't know how to mind their business do they?

He looked over at his sensei and she smirked and pat his head.

Anko:They sure don't. Kinda pissing me off. Should we kill them?

Y/n:That's kinda too far teach? We should just beat them to a pulp. That way whenever they wake up we can just beat them again.

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