Chapter 10

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I'm standing in a line of lost boys half asleep as Pan sizes us up. He paces slowly in front of us, like we're in the military. He stops in front of the boy to my left.

"Slightly! What is that in your pocket?" He says demanding an answer.

"N-nothing Pan." Slightly hesitates. Pan gives him a look that can kill. He reaches into the boy's pocket and pulls out an apple.

"Really?" He holds the apple in front of Slightly. "Because to me it looks like you stole food from next weeks rations." Slightly's fists clench to his side; his knuckles turning white. "I thought you knew better than to break the rules." He grins wickedly.

"Up against that tree!" He orders to Slightly. Pan grabs the apple and places it on Slightly's head. He picks up a crossbow and dips the arrow in a dark liquid.

He walks in front of me and offers the weapon.

"I can't."

"You have to." He says shoving it into my hands. "We have a story here about a man who once shot an apple off his son's head with an arrow. Let's find out if it's possible."

I shake as I lift the crossbow.

"The rules are simple. Shoot the apple off his head and points to you. But if you 'accidentally' shoot him, then, well I guess he gets what he deserves." My blood boils. Pan is evil. I don't waste my time with Slightly. I point the arrow at Pan's foot and shoot. He isn't expecting it and the arrow anchors his foot to the ground.

All the boys are looking at me with either admiration or hatred. Pan pulls the arrow from his foot. He heals the wound before giving me a sick glare.

"Cage her."

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Sorry it was a short chapter! I promise you guys that this story is going to get interesting! ;)

Lost in the Darkness// Peter Pan AUWhere stories live. Discover now