Chapter 15

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The next morning our arms are sore from fighting. We're cut, bruised, and aching...while Pan is unscathed. It's not fair. He walks through life thinking that nothing can hurt him. His time will come one day and he'll regret tormenting so many souls.

I'm sent into the woods to gather berries. I bring a silver dagger just in case.

Careful not to pick the blue ones I put as many berries in the basket as I can. Pan thinks he's so powerful, but it would be so easy to slip him a berry that could end his life forever. The thought is appealing, but killing him won't help me escape; it will only create another obstacle.

"You're a girl." A voice says from behind me. A boy sits on a rock watching me.

"Good observation. Who are you? Another Lost Boy? I haven't seen you before." I ask, still picking berries.

"Not even close." He scoffs. His dark brown hair keeps falling in his face and he has to keep pulling it back behind his ears. "I'm a ghost...phantom.... Whatever you want to call me." My eyes go wide.

"You're not..."

"Dangerous?" He finishes. "No. I'm here to warn you though. Pan has plans for you. Well he doesn't have plans for you. Sorry it's really hard to explain. It's kind of like time travel. You can't say anything that might alter the future?"

"I've watched enough Doctor Who...continue." He stares at me blankly before presuming.

"So it's like this, there's this prophecy and just..uh..gosh I don't know how to explain this. Apparently you're suppose to bring light to Neverland...or something like that. Pan is trying to establish control. That's why I came to you. You have to do whatever you can to waver his control. "

"But what about 'altering the future'?" I question.

"If the prophecy is true, then it will come true regardless of how it came to be. Just remember this...please. Pan's coming. It was nice talking to you Angela. Good luck." He gives me a soft smile before disappearing as if he was only a figment of my imagination.

And that was the last I ever saw of the handsome phantom.

I hear Pan approach me and I don't acknowledge him. I'm not ready to bond or anything yet. 'You're suppose to bring light to Neverland'. Gosh what does that even mean?

"Who were you talking to?" Pan interrogates.

"Oh..just myself." I lie. He's suspicious, but doesn't dwell on my answer.

"That's probably enough berries. Felix brought in a boar that will be enough for everyone to have their fill tonight."

"Well how generous of him." I haven't eaten anything since I was in the cage and I'm feeling light headed. I've been running on adrenaline and the sudden thought of food makes me feel nauseous.

"Come on, we need to go. The phantoms should be coming out soon." The phantoms? Like the one I met? What does Pan have against them. What doesn't have a thing against Pan? My subconscious adds.

"What's so bad about phantoms?" I ask. He doesn't want to talk to me, but eventually answers.

"They can see the future and read minds. They try to trick people into fulfilling a destiny that wasn't made for them. They can't be trusted." He talks as if he knows what the phantom revealed to me.

"Neither can you." I state.

"That's true, but without me on this island every Lost Boy would be dead. That includes you too. So be thankful when you can." I don't feel obligated to thank him. What has he given me? I'm underfed, wounded, and exhausted. A new pair of jeans and a shirt, but nothing special. I saved myself from that vampire. I don't need Pan.

But obviously he needs you.


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