Chapter 21

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Hello everyone! I'm so sorry that it's been awhile, but please hang in there with me! I still plan on finishing this story, but like I said in previous chapters, my updates might be inconsistent due to just life and situations. I appreciate you all and to those that have been here since the beginning, thank you!

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Happy reading! :)


We're going to have a meeting with pirates and I'm the bait. Pan has his own band of lost boys, but they think that I'm still just a girl. Used as a toy to be played with by men. That's the one thing I can't stand. I'm more than 'just a girl.' Why can't Pan understand that? As crazy as it sounds though, Neverland has been the start of anyone actually noticing me. I used to be homeschooled at the group home. I kept to myself. I didn't really care to make friends. I'm not depressed. I just never had the desire to indulge in relationships. It's not like they're going to matter anyway. Everyone leaves in the end.

We reach the camp and Pan gestures for us to hide as he casually walks to the center near the bonfire.

"No surprise attacks pirate." He says pirate like it's a dirty word in his mouth.

"Wasn't planning on it." Says a witty pirate emerging from the underbrush. He's the only true adult I've yet to see on Neverland besides the Indians.

"Then make your crew be known." Says Pan with a smirk.

"Only if your lost boys do the same." Pan sighs and signals to us, never taking his eyes off the pirate as we come out of hiding just as the pirate's crew does the same. "Lost girl?" He raises an eyebrow and examines me.

"Easy pirate she's not who you think." Pan clarifies. What's that suppose to mean?

"Rufio! Look at this lass I found." He pats Rufio on the back like a proud father. 'Rufio' just rolls his eyes and precedes to the back with the rest of the crew.

I give the man a death glare,but all it seems to do is allow him to speak even more.

"The name's Killian Jones." He says shaking my hand.

"Enough of that." Pan looks disgusted. "What about that deal?" He says getting serious.

Killian's face softens as he approaches Pan. He reaches into his long leather coat and pulls out a pocket watch.

"I haven't looked at it. It's a dangerous thing. One should not tamper with fate." Killian says handing Pan the golden watch.

"You're just scared. That's the thing about magic Killian... It always comes with a price." With a wave of Pan's hand Killian falls to the ground unconscious.

"What was that?!" I yell at Pan. "This was suppose to be a meeting not a one way trade and a murder!"

"Relax no one's dead yet." Yet? Oh he's vile.

"You're a pest."

"Glad to know the feeling's mutual. As for the pirate... he's just knocked out for a little while. He's very valuable concerning our... dilemma."

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P.s. If you are interested in making a photo/video edit for this story, then message me the finished product and I might feature it! :)

Thanks for reading! Xoxo

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