Chapter 20

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Hey!! I hope you all enjoy Chapter 20 of LoitD!! Please don't forget to comment/vote/follow/ and share with your friends!! Also please look at my author's note at the end of the chapter! Thanks!

Happy reading! :)

It seems like all we do is travel. One bloody battle after another. The Lost Boys are too focused on Pan's wars than their own personal problems. I think it's a controlling technique: If you get someone to fight for something long enough they might be too occupied to think about how wrong the situation it is they're in to fight back.

The Indian's base camp is on the far side of Neverland. It's elevated close to a cliff. I don't know how long it takes us to get there. Time is different in Neverland. It doesn't work like the rest of reality. The moon is always full, the waves are always rough, and plants still seem to grow without sunlight.

But sure enough there we were on the opposite side of the island. We were hiding in the foliage watching the peaceful Indians. Their faces were painted with various warlike patterns. There was a girl sitting next to the fire with long black braids and a feather in her hair. She looked poised and mature. She stared into the fire with a kind of hopeful longing.

And then Pan walked into the clearing  carefully. He was greeted with spears pointed towards his head by two painted men. He held his hands up in surrender with a smirk plastered across his face. He was amused by the Warriors confidence.

"Who are you?" Ask one of the men. Pan looked at him and rolled his eyes. He's not used to people not knowing his name.

"Lily!" He called. The two men looked confused for a split second before redirecting their attention to the girl with the braids.

"Pan!" She ran up to him with a huge smile. She wrapped her arms around him.

He was stiff before returning the gesture.

"Why are you here?" She glowed. Nope. Not mature. Her attitude was more like an 8th grade girl with a crush.

"I need your help." He lightly touched her arm and led her into a tent. Their shadows cast on the tent wall. Pan's body language was worried and purposeful and Lily seemed eager to help.

"Felix what's going on?" I ask my 'boyfriend'.

"I'm not allowed to talk about it." He tenses up.

"Ah... still loyal to Pan I see." I scheme. I want to see if there is any waver in his loyalty. I know what I'm doing is not right, but I'm not the bad guy here. The lost boys have kidnapped, poisoned, and fought me to the breaking point. It's not Felix I'm worried about. It's finding a way to be one step ahead of Pan.

"I will never not be loyal to Pan. It's better you learn that now before it's too late." Woah. Mood change. Did my boyfriend just abandon me?

"Felix what has gotten into you?" I act as if he has actually offended me, although I know the answer before he has the chance to tell me anything.

"Pan told me." He whispers. He's heartbroken.

"Told you what?" I play along hoping he is talking about something other than the obvious.

"Oh just shut it Angela! You really think you're clever don't you? Well get this, Pan never fails." He raises his voice and some of the indians direct their attention towards us.

We are no longer hidden in the foliage. The lost boys look to Felix for directions. He looks towards the tent as Pan is walking out. He tucks a small vial in his vest and takes off in a sprint in our direction.

"Keep doing your job." Pan says patting one of the warriors on the back as he runs past them. "Run!" He calls to us. We dart as fast as we can towards the camp.

"I don't understand why you're so loyal to Pan. He's vile." I shake my head in disgust.

"Are we really talking about this now?" He says annoyed. He runs a little faster so we are no longer side by side.

"We are only running because you blew our cover. Yes we are talking about this now. " I reply, catching back up to him.

"I don't see why you suddenly want to be rebellious. If you're looking for help to bring down Pan, then you're on the wrong team."

"I have no interest in bringing down Pan." I sneer. "My only concern is how I'm going to get off this godforsaken island!"

"Shh! If you shout the pirates will hear you!" He actually looks worried for once.

"What?" I scoff. "Mermaids, indians, and vampires and you're afraid of pirates?"

"Doesn't matter if he's afraid." Pan suddenly appears out of nowhere. "We're having a little meeting with the drunken crew now."

"How convenient." I mumble.

"It is actually. After all these years the Captain has decided to dock and come on land. And you're the bait." He reveals.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed chapter 20!!! Please don't forget to follow/vote/ comment/ and share with your friends!!

Comment theories/ questions in the comments!!

Also if you are interested in making edits for LoitD (Lost in the Darkness), message me your edit (video edit or picture edit) and I just might feature it in the story!

Lost in the Darkness// Peter Pan AUWhere stories live. Discover now