Announcement : Starting this story!

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Hello Manan readers!

I have already welcomed you to this story & now that I am done & dusted with Hustle for Love, it is time to begin with this baby here!

Before I start, I have to say this out loud, that this story needs an open mind, so if you're the righteous kind, this may not be to your taste. I mean no one is really evil here, but morals maybe blurred a little? 

I believe that real life is much darker, more murky than how happy stories portray. Life isn't simple & let no one ever fool you by saying that! Life is a delicious game & there are various strategies to play it, but I do believe when it comes to reading, what's fun in reading the simple vanilla ones? ;)

I won't tease you more on the plot, I will now come to the schedule:

I will follow the same pattern like before & update on Sundays every week! :)

Time? Well, I will try by 11am and unless there's an emergency, I will follow by the timelines too, since this story is already complete at my end :)

Rules are fairly simple like always, if you plan to embark on this journey with me, please read, vote, comment & give my book a shoutout! (provided you like what you read :P).The more readers I get, the more I feel enthusiastic about writing! 

However, I think most of you know this by now, that I don't abandon my stories, so even if there is one of you reading, I'd write for you, I promise. (Although it'd be much nicer to have a crowd here ;P)

So, sit tight and wait for 27th March, for the first chapter of this story to be published!

Lots of love,


Almost Not Love! |COMPLETE| MaNan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now