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Note: this is going to be like a four part short au cos I wanted to write housewiferry but also not the cliché arranged marriage housewife thingy ( basically I'm too bored and grounded and Harry's album cover sksksksk 😍).

•Age difference
• Smut
•Sensitive topics
• Feminine terms are used for Harry (because he's my mum. Fuck off)
•Pissed author if y'all don't comment


The sharpness of the morning rays played a game until Harry's eyes gave in and they fluttered open, a hazy effigy of miles and miles of inked skin in front of him and he found a smile tugging on the corners of his lips as though a reflex. He blinked twice, the initial burn of waking up fading away before his vision turned more focused, the sight of his beautiful husband became clearer. He sighed with content, now feeling the tender sheets brushing against every inch of him, hissing slightly when it rubbed against the more sensitive parts of him.

He rolled over on his belly and rested his chin on his palm before his eyes began to admire his husband like he has been from when they were mere strangers who had a rushed fuck, to boyfriends who were too certain that neither of them were meant for marriage. But here they were, happily sharing a surname and so in love that it ached Harry's heart sometimes. His eyes watched under the golden beams of the sun that managed to slip past their curtains as Louis slept without a hint of unease. Louis was soft and gorgeous, heaven-blessed cheekbones and eyelashes that casted shadows akin to any art worth being in a gallery, his lips parted for silent snores to fill the air.

Harry decided to shut his eyes while cuddling closer to Louis, the older man habitually spooning Harry from behind and burying his face in the crook of his neck. Harry smiled shyly, still feeling his cheeks burning albeit being together for years.

"Mornin', darlin'," he heard the rasp of his husband's morning voice, his heart fluttering and blood pumping to places. He groaned deep in his throat when he felt Louis' hands wander all over him, knowing all too well where the morning was being led to as Louis' hardness was pressed against his back. "I see you still haven't gotten over your obsession with watchin' me sleep, hmm?"

"Never. Still can't believe we made it, that you're all mine." Harry whispered as he felt the warm tips of Louis' fingers ghost over the bone of his ribs, tracing it painfully languidly until they passed Harry's hipbone and began to tease Harry's crack. "Fuck," Harry cursed softly as Louis' arm wrapped around his middle and pulled Harry closer, Louis' thumping heartbeat pressed against Harry's back, their legs tangled in a mess and the ebony sheet rustling a song.

"I love you, baby." Louis murmured while slipping a finger inside of Harry, no resistance being met in the wake of the love Louis had showered him with the past night. Of course, Louis did, it had been their anniversary after all. Seven years of being together, of falling in love, of giving up their hearts to each other.

Harry felt that same tingles he had when Louis first uttered those words to him, that same smile he felt on his lips threatening to spill again. He gasped when Louis pulled out his three fingers and pushed inside Harry, spooning him from behind and groaning deeply before he began to draw out slowly, peppering Harry's back with kisses and ending them until he reached Harry's cheek, his stubble scratching Harry's skin. There was no rush, no craze, no foreplay, just the two of them, holding each other closely and making love.

"I love you, too." Harry gasped out as Louis hit his spot, his thrusts were deep and hard and passionate. Louis pulled out before hovering over Harry and pushing back in while he caught Harry's mouth with his, the sheet covering them. Their limbs wrapped around together as sweat glistened on their skin, their soft moans filled the silence with the wet slap of their skin. Harry breathed as he wrapped his legs around Louis' waist tighter, kissing him passionately. They drank each other's cries as they climaxed, Louis held Harry close and Harry allowed him to.

They were so in love.



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