Watermelons & Weddings

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It took him a taste of success to make him realise just how much he hated it. After his first runway, Harry decided that modelling wasn't for him. It was too loud and too bright and too fake. It was everything he was not (apart from the pretty dresses). He hated plastering a fake smile and he hated having flashes blinding him, he felt sick to his stomach when people he had never met would act like his best mate; he hated it all. So, he chose his happiness. Yes, he was selfish for relying solely on Louis' income, but for once, he wanted to think about himself. Life had taken too much from him for him to continue making it messier.

He was satiated being a housewife (or well, house-fiancé); being a homemaker.

He wasn't completely useless per se, he had his little blog that people read. He shared about his life in it — just a brief portion — his struggles and his hacks and anything he found funny (knock-knock jokes were top tier, thank you very much). He'd like to believe it was a success, keeping in mind the amount of sponsors he had lining up every month, sending him their products to review and write about in his monthly blogs. Being somewhat famous and a millionaire's fiancé had its perks.

Speaking of millionaire fiancés, Harry was tapping his feet against the marble floor of their kitchen, stirring a pot of pumpkin soup while he sipped a glass of apple juice as he waited for Louis' arrival. He loved the feeling of drinking from a wine glass, but he couldn't really drink wine anymore, so he settled for apple juice instead. He felt like a pre-teen, getting drunk because their mum put wine in the pasta sauce. Harry giggled to himself softly, caressing his slightly pudgy tummy.

He was pregnant again, just two months in, and he was fucking terrified. Lauren and Fiona, Louis' sisters, were taking a nap in one of their guest rooms, just so Harry wasn't alone in the house. Harry couldn't have been more thankful. Although therapy helped both him and Louis overcome their grief and finally accept their situation, the fear of losing their child was still engraved deeply in them. They didn't even plan this one (surprise, surprise), having wanted to wait until after the wedding to try again. It had been two years already, his baby would've been a toddler by now, babbling and being all over the place.

He sighed, realising that living in the 'what if's would only hurt him. He focused back on the soup, it was coming together well and it smelt delicious, he couldn't help but steal a spoonful (he was just tasting, obviously) before coming to the conclusion that he was also craving a feta salad. The warm tone of the lighting felt like a kiss of comfort as he pulled out a stool and began preparing for the salad, his back was killing him but he needed the salad. He sipped the apple juice in between, his bellbottom allowing his legs to breathe and the delicate material of his little, frock top soothing the new found irritation his skin had taken to being pregnant. He loved the top dearly, adored the cute collar and its perfect shade of bone, the way it fit him to give an illusion of a fuller chest and how it did not cling to his body the rest of the way down. He remembered the time Louis had gifted him the set, he saw it on a model in some fashion show he was forced into, and it 'reminded him of Harry' apparently. It was pretty and cute, Harry liked feeling pretty and cute.

"Missed me?" Harry jumped a little when Louis' arms snaked around him from behind, his warm breath against Harry's neck and his stubble scratching his skin. Harry leaned into Louis' touch after the initial scare washed away, turning his head in an angle that was in no way comfortable, and kissing his fiancé deeply. Louis hummed approvingly before he pulled away, handing Harry a bouquet tulips. "I love you, baby," he said with a shit eating grin when Harry teared up.

Fucking hormones.

"I love you so much. Thank you. Fuck, I'll blow you later." Harry jumped on Louis, his legs wrapped around Louis' waist. For someone else, it'd seem a bit immature of Harry for jumping onto Louis while being pregnant and without a forewarning, but Harry knew that it was a second nature for Louis' to hold Harry. "I missed you so much. We missed you so much."

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