Language, Louis!

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Harry groaned through the gag while Louis fucked into him without remorse, pushing Harry's face into the mattress to muffle his voice further. It wasn't like they had a choice; with Leanna finally sleeping in her own crib in the nursery, Harry and Louis only had about an hour more to themselves, and they hadn't had sex in a week, and early morning sex was the best. It's was too much for Harry, the euphoric cloud that was threatening to eclipse him while Louis gave it to him so good— he never wanted it to end.

"Fuck, baby, you're on birth control, right?" Louis asked through gritted teeth, his hips snapping against Harry's arse and his hands gripping him in a bruising hold. Harry nodded the best he could with being shoved into the mattress, backing up against Louis' thrust. He knew the chances of conceiving again while breastfeeding were very thin, but he did not want to risk it. Leanna was a lot for a seven month old, he did not need another one any time soon.

He didn't get to react much when Louis pulled out and flipped him over, placing his legs over his shoulder before he slammed in. Harry cried out against Louis' briefs that was stuffed inside his mouth, tears rolling down his eyes as Louis latched onto his breast, sucking on the nipple. The overstimulation took away any sense of reasoning from Harry's mind, opting to cry softly while Louis slammed into him over and over again.

"You taste so good, love. No wonder Anna can't go a day without you." All Harry could do was scratch Louis' back while he fucked into Harry, speaking filth like it was some cheap porno. Harry blinked languidly, looking into Louis' dark eyes, the way he looked up while taking Harry's other breast between his lips and kneading the previous with his hand. "Wanna come, baby? G'nna come for me?" Harry sobbed, the briefs getting soaked in his tears and spit as he came between them, shuddering.

Louis continued to go hard, hungrily emptying his breasts. But everything stopped when the baby monitor echoed Leanna's cries, informing them that she was up earlier than expected. Harry looked at Louis with wide, horrified eyes, looking back and forth his face and where they were connected. Louis visibly contemplated for a second before driving into Harry frantically, their bed-frame knocking against the wall obscenely while Harry screamed due to the oversensitivity.

He was a bad mother, but god damn; Louis fucked him so good.

He came within minutes — he did not even realise he was hard again — and Louis followed behind, emptying inside him before pulling out in a hurry, his skin flushed and face drowning in guilt. "I'll get her, you should rest." He spat in a rush while pulling on a fresh pair of boxers and walking out. Harry laid there, gaining his breath with sore limbs. He knew everything would ache later because of how rough Louis was with him, but he also knew that this was exactly what they needed after a week of being sleep and sexually deprived.

He winced at the soreness, groaning when Louis' seed leaked out of him. He loved having Louis fuck him raw, but the aftermath was not something he necessarily enjoyed. His nipples were fucking sensitive because, of course, Louis bit them like a dog. Fucker could only wait for a toothie blow job in the coming days. He sighed disappointedly before stepping into the shower, hissing when the water hit his bruised skin. It was refreshing, though, getting a proper release after rushed fingering or blowies in the shower.

But Leanna was worth all the sleepless nights and the headaches and the uncountable nappies Harry had to change. She was worth it all when she would giggle and look at Harry with big blue eyes. The blue in her eyes was completely Louis but she also had green definitions in between, standing out when under a good lighting. She grew cuter each day, no longer ugly and wrinkly, now having chubby cheeks and wild chestnut curls. Louis adored her curls more than anything in the world, just as Harry did her little button nose. She was so fucking perfect Harry could cry.

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