Chapter 5

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Skyler's p.o.v.

The confidence that I felt earlier was gone. It was drawing nearer to the time that I would see Nathan and the whole speech that I had prepared was gone.

Today was the day of our academic competition. I never felt so nervous about it before, but it had to be because of Nathan and what I'd have to do later. What if people saw and got the wrong impression? What if they thought we were having a lovers quarrel? People already believed that we were sleeping with each other. It couldn't get much worse than that.

The bell rang signaling the end of the school day. This was going to suck. I sighed before leaving my last period classroom. The competition would take place in my schools auditorium. Michael and Evan would be there as well since they were part of my team. Maybe they would back me up if something went wrong.

My stomach did a flip when I saw Nathan already there with his team. What the hell was this feeling? I didn't understand it, and I tried my hardest to ignore it and Nathan. Michael and Evan were already waiting with two other players for the competition to begin. I was the last one to make it here. I kept my head held high as I walked over to them, but I still felt no confidence.

We had to wait for the host before the competition could start. My team practiced hard for this so that we would actually have a chance this time. Michael was the smartest of us all, but he wasn't a match for Nathan. That kid was too damn smart for his own good. Even though Michael was the genius, it was normally Nathan and I who went head on against each other. But right now I wasn't feeling it. Just glancing at him made me feel weird.

And once the competition began it got worse. Hearing his voice was driving me nuts to the point where this damn feeling in my stomach was pissing me off. He had an answer for almost everything so I had to continue listening to him speak. Whenever I tried to answer a question I'd become tongue tied, which was not normal for me. I knew the answers for crying out loud! I just couldn't speak when I pushed the buzzer to answer the question. Evan gave me a worried look after I messed up so many times. Usually I was right on top of this and the scores stayed close together, but today was different. They had the majority of the points and before we knew it the game was over.

I was pissed that I let my team down in such a way. Never before have we lost so badly. Evan gave me a hug after our team disbanded. I could tell that they were mad at me for our loss. If I got this way during an academic competition how would I get during a game of soccer? I couldn't lose in that.

"It's okay, Sky. You seemed very flustered, is all. There's always next time so don't get too down about it." Evan patted me on the back. He was very quiet like always, but he had a way of making me calm down.

"Thanks, Evan. Hey, there's something that I need to do quickly. If you hear people talking about it could you and Michael tell them it's not what they think? It has to deal with Nathan," I said to him.

He hugged me again. "Sure thing. You know we always got your back."

"I know you do." That was something that I loved about my friends. They were always there when I needed them.

Now was the time to deal with this Nathan business. He was getting ready to leave the auditorium when I stopped him. He wouldn't look at me, but now I understood why.

"I need to speak to you in private," I said. He received awkward looks from his teammates and I shot them the deadliest look that I could muster. Did they do that because they heard the rumors? How many damn people knew?!

At first Nathan seemed like he would refuse, but reluctantly he followed me. He kept his distance between us as I led him through the halls. Once again this didn't fail to annoy me, but a lot of things were today. Most of the halls were empty since the other students had already gone home.

I turned to him and asked, "What the hell happened on Friday at the party?"

"Nothing really. You got drunk and passed out in my car." Nathan shrugged as if this was nothing. My head was beginning to throb as I became even more enraged.

"Don't act as if this is nothing! Just tell me what the hell I did! Everyone but me seems to know!" I yelled. It wasn't fair that I was the only one who didn't know something that I did. It may have been childish, but I stomped my feet and pouted.

Nathan rolled his eyes at me. "Don't be such a baby. If you must know you kissed me and then you . . . humped me." At his last words he blushed and looked away. My own face heated up and my jaw dropped.

"You're lying. I would never do something like that to you." I tried, but he looked so serious besides the blush on his face. "Oh dear lord . . . I was drunk! I meant nothing by it. I don't like you like that. In fact, I don't like you at all! It was an act of being drunk and that's final! I don't care what you or anyone thinks about it because you're all wrong!"

"I know that you were drunk. I don't hold it against you for that reason." Finally, Nathan was looking at me, which made my insides feel weird again. I could have thrown up at the feeling. I wanted to punch him. "But just saying, you're a really good kisser."

Okay, now I really wanted to punch him. My face was burning and I wanted to smack that stupid smirk off of his face. He was trying to make me feel embarrassed, I just knew it.

"Shut the hell up! It's not considered a kiss if one person is unaware that it is happening!" I wasn't sure if I made any sense right there, but it didn't matter. I was going to get the point across some way that it was nothing. "You know what, I'm done with this. Just keep in mind that we are nothing to each other. That will never happen again."

Nathan smiled at me. "Of course it will never happen again. I don't want your nasty lips on me, anyway." Oh my gosh, he pissed me off! "Do you need a ride home?"

Was he really asking me that after trying to insult me? I hated to admit it, but I did need a way to get home. Walking would take me too long and I didn't want to make my mom worry for being late. With my arms crossed I just nodded. I wished that I had another way.

That stupid fluttery feeling came back as soon as I started following him outside to his car. Why couldn't it just go away already? I hated feeling this way because of him. It didn't go away once I got into his car and he started driving either.

"Um . . . just saying . . . if you thought that I was a good kisser then you wouldn't think that my lips are nasty." I was making myself feel worse by talking, but it slipped out.

Nathan chuckled. "You are a good kisser. Better than any girl I've kissed before, but I don't want to kiss you again since you're a guy. Two guys together . . . it's not right." At the end his voice no longer had that playful tone to it.

My heart felt like it dropped after that. It had to be because of the car ride that I was feeling this way. I could have shot myself with this fucking sickly feeling. My chest hurt and my stomach kept doing flips. I couldn't wait until I got home so that I could go right to bed.

Nathan pulled up in front of my house a few minutes later. I could have jumped right out of his car if he didn't grab ahold of my arm to hold me back. I raised an eyebrow to question what he wanted.

"On Saturday would you like to go to the park with me? To play soccer. Just you and me." Nathan asked me. It sounded like a date to me, but I quickly shook off that thought.

"I guess, but only because we're going to play soccer. I can't say no to that. See you, dude." I roughly pulled my arm out of his grip and got out of the car. I wanted to run to the door, but I tried to act like I wasn't feeling weird and bothered.

Seriously, what is wrong with me?

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