Chapter 10

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Skyler's p.o.v. 

The next day went by in a blur. I avoided my friends even when they tried to talk to me. Eventually they decided to give me my space, which I was thankful of. I needed it. Usually during school I wasn't like this, but whenever I saw my father I just needed to be alone. None of them knew about how my father was. I never told then anything about my family.

I left the school in hopes to just go home to be alone, but of course things did not go my way. A familiar blue Chevy Camaro pulled up in front of me as I was making my way down the sidewalk. My heart danced at the sight of it and I cursed myself at these damn feelings. Once he got out of the car and walked towards me the feeling got worse. I wanted to throw myself into his arms, but I refused to let the whole student population see.

"Dude, sweet car! How could you afford that?" Connor yelled from behind me.

I turned and scowled at him. How long had he been following me? His home was in the opposite direction of mine. Along with Connor was Evan, but Michael was no where in sight. It was odd seeing just these two together.

Nathan grinned at him. "My parents bought it for me." He turned his attention to me. Before I could process what he was doing he leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Right in front of my friends.

Instantly my face heated up. Connor looked stunned, Evan just smiled, passing students looked confused or disgusted, and Nathan gave me a mischievous smile. That asshole. He did it on purpose so that everyone would know. I wanted to hit him so hard right now.

"Wow. So those rumors were true...Dude, that was so cute. I don't get why you chose Nathan but I approve. Right, Evan?" Connor was giving me a big smile while Evans nodded his agreement. I could have died of embarrassment. I wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Go away, Connor," I growled at him.

He gave me his goofy grin. "Sure thing! Have fun with your boyfriend, Skyler!" Connor grabbed Evan's hand and pulled him away. I glared at him as they finally left.

Nathan was getting back into his car when I finally stopped glaring at my friend. I sighed before opening the passenger door and getting into the car. I was still upset about my family issue, but now I was pissed at Nathan for kissing me in public. I wasn't ready for that sort of thing or for anyone to know. Now everyone would talk about what they saw and soon the whole school would know.

"Why the hell did you kiss me in front of my friends?" I asked. I kept my eyes on him to see his face. He really was a good looking man.

He didn't look back at me as he kept his eyes on the road. "I wanted to. We are dating after all. Besides, it's about time that everyone knew about us. We can't keep this a secret forever and I'm a little more important than your reputation." I didn't have a response for that one. He had a point. I did care about my popularity, but I had feelings for Nathan. I wouldn't admit that to him, though. After I didn't respond he said, "Your two friends make a cute couple."

I wasn't expecting this to be brought up. "What? Connor and Evan? No way. Neither of them are gay and if they were I think that I would know by now. I've known them for so long."

"Yeah, right. Your friends have been hiding it really well. I bet that they're together. You didn't even know that you were gay until now so don't doubt that your friends are." We were pulling up in front of my house now, but I wasn't ready to get out of the car.

"I'm not gay! And neither are my friends so drop it." I pouted and crossed my arms.

He chuckled and brushed my hair out of my face. "Whatever you say, cutie. Anyway, there is something that I wanted to ask you. Later tonight will you go out with me on a date? It would be nice to spend time with you."

I was blushing at the fact that he actually called me a cutie. No one ever said anything like that to me before. I didn't even know how to respond to him or if I could go. I would have to ask my mother if I could go, without giving away that I was going out with my...boyfriend. I didn't know how she would react if she knew that I was dating another guy.

Nathan was still waiting for my response. "I...I'll get back to you on that. I have to ask if it's okay first."

"Okay, give me your number and I will call you." He waited for me to get paper and a pen from my backpack to exchange numbers. After that was all settled Nathan leaned over and kissed me. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back. It ended too soon. "I'll see you later, babe."

If I could have stayed in the car with him I would have, but I reluctantly got out. I watched him as he drove away from my house. Something in me felt empty as I watched him leave me behind.

Without waiting any longer I went into my house to ask my mom the question. I hoped more than anything that she would say yes. I wanted to see Nathan tonight.

I needed to see him.


Short chapter and it was really boring to write, but it's very important to the story! Every little bit added counts and is vital to the story. There will only be five or six more chapters to this story left so hopefully with some dedication I will be able to finish this story very soon.

Thanks for reading even though this blows!

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