Chapter 8

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Nathan's p.o.v.

Skyler was laying on me when I woke up. He was still sleeping with his head resting on my chest and my arms around him, my hands on his back. It felt really strange to me to have a guy in my arms. It was all going too fast for me to comprehend, this whole situation.

After laying awake like this for some time Skyler finally stirred. He looked confused when he opened his eyes and looked down at me.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." I smiled at him while teasing. "How did you sleep last night?"

He shifted out of my arms and sat up. He looked moody like always, but most people were when they first awake. "It was nice, I suppose. Peaceful." He yawned before saying, "I need a shower. I feel gross. And not because of you so don't say any smart remark."

Skyler got off of my bed and I followed. I had my own personal bathroom connected to my room which I opened the door up for him. "You can shower here. Also, I don't blame you for feeling gross. I would feel gross for sleeping with me, too."

"Shut up, idiot. You're hot so-" He cut off, realizing what just came out of his mouth. He slammed the door shut, but not fast enough before I saw the blush creeping up on his face.

I stood there, stunned. Did Skyler really think that I was hot? How long has he felt this way? Or was it just because of this awkward relationship we have been building up that he started to feel this way? I mean, I have always thought that Skyler was cute but I couldn't help feeling that way with how he acted. Then another thought came to me.

Skyler wouldn't have any clothes to wear after his shower.

Oh god, I was gay.

I tried to push the thought of Skyler naked out of my mind. Why of all times was I having thoughts like this?! He was too proud to change back into his dirty clothes. Quickly I rummaged through my dresser, looking for something that he might be able to wear. He was small compared to me, so anything I gave him would be too big.

After looking through my clothes I chose a plain black T-shirt and pajama pants that he could tighten around his waist by the drawstrings. I entered the bathroom with caution in case he was still in the shower or if he was standing there naked. Skyler was out of the shower now with a towel draped around his waist. Water trickled down his body, and I couldn't help how sexy I found him at that moment. I wanted to give in to the gay tendencies that were overwhelming me right now.

"I brought some clothes for you to wear. They might be too big on you." I left them on the counter near the sink for him, and when I glanced over at him I saw marks on the right side of his stomach and chest. They were dark bruises, the worst that I had ever seen before. "What happened to you, Skyler? Who did this?" I touched  his chest where the bruises were.

Skyler slapped my hand away from him, pain evident on his face. "Don't touch me." He grabbed the shirt that I provided for him from the counter and quickly put it on. The towel around his waist fell off in the process. I averted my eyes before I saw too much. "Thanks for the clothes," he whispered.

I looked over at him to see him dressed now. The shirt went passed his waist and the pants covered his feet. It was all bigger on him than I expected, but he was still adorable to me. There were more important things at hand right now before I could adore him.

I grabbed ahold of one of his hands. "Sky, please tell me what is going on. Did you do this to yourself? Or is someone hurting you?" I didn't want to pry into his business, but this was going too far if he was getting hurt.

Skyler bit his lip. I thought that he was going to answer me, but before he had the chance to I heard my mom calling us down for breakfast. He pushed passed me before I could get an answer out of him. I sighed before following him. Was it really so hard to tell me? We might not of had much of a relationship, but something was there and it was bothering me.

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