Chapter 15

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Skyler's p.o.v.

It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to get my father away from us. After a visit to the police station we were questioned and soon investigation began. My mom and I had the bruises and scars to prove the beatings. The next night that my father came home he would have hurt one of us if the police didn't intrude when they did. We were both relieved when that burden was finally taken off of our shoulders.

As for Nathan and I we stayed together, even once we graduated from high school. We went to different colleges, but every day after class we tried to see one another. Obviously I continued with soccer and began my career to become pro. Nathan dropped the sport and pursued to become a physicist. When he tried explaining to me exactly what he needed to do I became completely lost. This was why he was the smart one and I wasn't.

My mother loved Nathan when she finally had the chance to meet him. He just had a way about him that made people like him. She approved of him completely, which made me happy. My mother had changed a lot since my father was locked up. She no longer moped around and there was a glow about her that wasn't there before. It was nice seeing her like that.

All of these events led up to where I was at this very point. It was summer time and Nathan was moving into his new apartment. I was helping him move his stuff inside when I felt his arms wrap around me. I looked up at him as he leaned down to plant a kiss on my lips. It was a soft kiss, but it still managed to make my heart warm up.

"Thanks for helping me with all of this, Sky. It really means a lot to me." Nathan smiled at me before adding, "I have a question for you. I know that it may be too sudden but will you move in with me? You don't have to answer right now if you're not ready."

I didn't know what to say. I knew that this would happen eventually. The time to move away from my mother had finally come and I didn't know if I was ready. There were so many responsibilities hitting me in the face. But I knew one thing. Being with Nathan would make it all worth it. The answer was simple.


I could see it on his face that that one word filled him with happiness. Waking up next to him every day would be my dream come true. The reality that we were together for all of these years that had passed would stay. He was my one and only.

"I love you, Sky," he said before kissing me again.

I returned it. "I love you, too."

Nothing could ever change that.

The End


Yay, it's finally over! I'm glad that it's finishedIt took me forever to write this story with how bored I got writing a normal story without fantasy. But I'm proud to say that I have survived without adding fantasy to this. Thank you for reading! I hope everyone enjoyed even though it may have gotten boring in some parts.

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