Chapter 11

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Skyler's p.o.v.

At first my mother was worried about letting me go out so late. After some heavy convincing she eventually agreed to let me go. She didn't understand why I hugged her after she said yes and it wasn't like I could tell her. I was happy.

Before I knew it Nathan was at my front door. I tried to casually answer his knock without alerting my mom to anything unusual. It was hard to when I wanted to be in his arms. He practically took my breath away at the sight of him. I was acting like an idiot, I just knew it.

After introducing him to my mom, as a friend and nothing more, I was glad to finally be out of the house. I turned to see if she was watching and after seeing that she wasn't I hugged Nathan. He seemed startled by my reaction at first, but soon he was hugging me back.

"You seem happy to see me." No duh. He couldn't possibly know how happy I was to see him. Being without him sucked. I was starting to accept how I felt for him.

"I missed you, idiot. Those few hours without you were the worst." I buried my face into his chest, taking in his scent that I loved so much.

He chuckled. "It's nice seeing you like this. You're always so mad all of the time."

"Shut up, you ass! I'm not always mad!"

"There's the Sky I know." He laughed then kissed the top of my head. "Come on. It's not going to be a date if we stay right here the whole time."

I wasn't ready to let go of him, but I did. Just being around him would be okay with me. We didn't have to go on a date to make me happy, but if Nathan wanted to then I would do whatever he wanted. Well, depending on what it was, that is.

I got into the car along with him. I had no idea where Nathan wanted to go and he didn't tell me. The car ride was silent, but it wasn't awkward like it was in the beginning. I reached over and took Nathan's right hand which wasn't on the wheel. He glanced over at me for a second to give me one of his gorgeous smiles. My heart swelled at the gesture.

Who knew that it would have come this far between us? To believe that only a few weeks ago I couldn't stand this guy. Now I couldn't get enough of him. Recently I didn't want to be without him ever. Nathan had become someone very special to me.

Yeah, at first I regretted kissing him (even though I still didn't remember kissing him at the party). That changed quickly after being with him. And no, I wasn't gay. I just really love Nathan.


The word sounded strange to me. I never loved anything before, let alone another person. Could I really love Nathan?

He stopped the car, bringing me out of my thoughts. When I looked up I saw that we were in front of a park. I was confused as to why he brought me here.

"Nathan, why are we here?" I asked.

"Well, most people go to the movies for their first date so that idea is overused. I wanted to do something different. It will be so much more fun here instead of seeing a movie. Come on." He smiled and made me let go of his hand so that we could exit the car.

Once outside he let me take his hand again. We held onto each other for awhile as we walked through the park. Nathan led me down a path that went into the trees. This worried me with how dark it was getting, so I held onto his hand tighter.

We walked for awhile through the trees until Nathan finally stopped. I was having a hard time comprehending why we stopped in the middle of nowhere, but soon I saw why. Nathan grabbed my attention by pointing up into the trees. I couldn't see it at first, but soon I could see a small treehouse.

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