Chapter 1 (Adalina POV)

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My first day of teaching and the oak Elder, Ket, was going through the rules of being a teacher and giving this big speech about responsibility. I was too excited to listen properly, bouncing on my feet, taking in that I was finally going to be considered an adult.

"Adalina, are you listening? Perhaps you should be given another year before starting." the elder started.

"I'm listening Elder, I won't let the kids run around unless for exercise and I'll follow the curriculum given by you and Elder Yeorgia. No visitors during teaching hours and to continue to set an example outside of the classroom. I listened. I'm ready Ket, I swear I am." I implored standing straight and still. Hoping my posture helped my case.

He looked at me like he was inspecting me once more before he sighed.  "Fine, You're right. Just if your emotions get the best of you and your body feels strange go to the silver wives. It's not just you and your room now, you'll be surrounded by children and--" I didn't let him finish

"I won't be reckless. I'm as in control as I can be. It might help if I knew--"

This time he interrupted. "Adalina, none of that. If you're in control then it's enough you don't need to know how tall Apollo is in order to determine if staring into the sun will hurt your eyes." he took a breath and moved to the door before turning to me once more "Your class will be here in 15 minutes." his eyes softened and smiled at me as he turned to leave. "I trust you" I heard him whisper.

I stared at the door after he left for a minute before going around the classroom making sure everything was ready; and on time a group of 20 young children came rushing in. I took in a breath and readied to make them proud.

fifteen years later

I sat in my empty class preparing for this next group of children. Reminiscing the past fifteen years of being pushed into relationships and my three previous classes.

Breaking the silence of the classroom my friend, Emilios, strolled in with his formal attire. "Hey Ada, we're being summoned to welcome the visitors," he said. I rolled my eyes letting out a groan.

"It's like they assume we have nothing better to do." I joked as I stood to grab a pair of sandals.

Emilios chuckled "We don't have anything better to do, remember? Single, childless, and no class in session. And You don't have a family to have any excuse for prior arrangements."

I stared at him for his last comment. "Must you bring that up E? It wasn't like I was orphaned, I was raised by the Elders and really I do think my lack of family is irreverent. Now let's go before we're late."

We made our way to the Gate with some nymphs and to our surprise one of the silver wives, Calliroe, I stood next to her trying not to overthink the situation, but none of the Elders welcomed visitors unless the forest said they were a threat.

"Thank you everyone for sparing your time to welcome our visitors. The reason I'm here is because the forest has warned us that amidst the coming pirate crew is someone..." She's interrupted by the first person walking through the gate and we start singing.

In my head though my imagination races with who is part of this crew. Pirates visiting here usually are boring and here for business. I can't think too much of it because before long the captain passes through and we start to make way to escort them around the garden, except Calliroe seems to be waiting for one more and he comes screaming.

Calliroe rushes to him as well as his captain. He's muttering to them taking the captain aback but Calliroe isn't phased, instead she urges him to continue and he seems to try but another agonizing scream comes out and his shirt is now drenched in his blood. The silver wife finally takes notice of the wound and rushes him to our tree of all reason.

The pirates and us stare at each other before I start to sing another song and others follow suit. We begin to escort them to the visitors plaza where tables of food and drinks wait for them. We entertain them for the rest of the day avoiding the topic of their injured friend the best we can. By the time night comes though the captain corners me and asks what exactly happened to him.

"Sir it's the Gate. it gives a symbol of who you are unless you carry a curse or an unforgivable crime in your heart. Then tries to cut it out of you. What you crewmember had must have been serious but I assure you our doctors are healing him and you'll be able to bring him on another ansveture." I explained to him and he seems to accept the truth.

"Ok. Just that from what we hear not everyone makes it out the garden. Was wondering if these were the measures you all took."  he said and I stared at him, because it's true but he can't know that. I smile though and assure him that though some visitors decide to stay it's their own decision. We spend the rest of the night singing out the final song, putting them in the proper haze before escorting them to their housing area. I'm unsure if that captain will believe my lies but the elders will punish me if they knew that I didn't properly persuade him.


A/N: Oh ho ho~ some deception already. anyways this is Chapter 1 and hopefully chapter 2 will be out before easter.

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