chapter three

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I barely took notice when the silver wife escorted me to my greenhouse. I spent hours on my bed staring at my ceiling. I looked at my tree as if there was something new about it, it was the same tree as I was the same person, but I felt different and I hoped my tree would be too. I jumped out of bed being restless with my thoughts and started on my way to the edge of the garden. I tried not to be seen by anyone as I ran to Jirith, the nearest town. It was a 30 minute  trip but I made it just in time as the night life started. I weaved through the crowd to my favorite place. Q's tavern and inn I could hear voices laughing and yelling. I looked around to make sure I wasn't followed and proceeded to enter. I was greeted with the strong smell of alcohol and the sea. I smiled and made my way to a table by a window.

"Hey, missy! You flower girl! Sing us a song!" One man bellowed clearly drunk

The innkeeper, Quincy, laughed and shook his head "You treat birdie here with respect boy, she's not the one you want to pester." The men booed and began to protest. I laughed and gave Quincy a wink.

"It's fine Quince, I'm in the mood for a little show." I smiled as I walked over towards the group of men. I knew these were pirates but these were different from those who visit the Garden. These men will always give something worthwhile. I've learned how to fight out there other times I get some money and all I have to do is sing.

"Now what kind of show? We're simple men just wanting a nice night." another man questioned, he was less drunk than the rest. He held himself differently than the rest, he must have been the captain.

"Of course but don't you know, a dryad song holds power. It's as dangerous as that sword you flaunt." I gestured to his cutlass sword at his waist. The captain looked at Quincy questioningly and he nodded in return. Quincy knows of my garden and he's heard me sing plenty of times. We made a deal a few years back, I entertain when I can and bring him some small things from the garden and he protects me from the drunk patrons and a discount off some ale.

"Alright, then what song are you gonna sing for us? I will give you five silver coins for a really nice one with a good story behind it. " the captain suggested.

I laughed at his offer, " A story and a song? That cost at least three gold sir. All my stories are good and my voice, well you tell me how good my voice is. " I extended my hand towards him as he nodded and gave me the gold. I grinned and cleared my throat. I sang of a war that brought a treasure to the town that was caught in the wreckage. How the god twins, Apollo and Artemis blessed them into a great kingdom that can be found in the skies. I sang of the men in that kingdom who sired the first pirate crew and how that crew never plundered a single town but liberated countries from their tyrants. Each man of that crew was blessed in different ways with different gifts. I quickly finished my song with vibrato and bowed to the crew in front of me sitting on the edge of their seats like children, awe in their eyes.

I passed two gold to Quincy who thanked me as I quickly left and ran back to the garden before the moon fully set. I made it back to my tree right before dawn. I closed my eyes finally ready for sleep when I heard a knock at my door. I groaned loudly and went to answer it.

I opened the door to find the oak elder, Ket, and the man that I healed.

"Adalina, the council has decided it would be fit for you to house mister Jaison here. Since he has been healed and no longer needs medical attention and according to the rest of the council is fit to be with you due to familiarity." His voice was tight and reluctant.

I nodded "Yes of course. I am more than grateful to house him if all the guest houses are full." I tried to say sweetly

"They're not but this arrangement isn't for debate, unfortunately." he quickly retorted. With that, he left Jaison and me to stare at each other for an awkward moment before I invited him in.

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