chapter 4

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A/N: this is not done and i'll be adding to it but it's also a good length to share.

Italicized letters are thoughts of POV (Adalina's)


A week passed and Jaison and Emin were settling in the house amialy. He went to ask the Elder's permission to start his work in the hospital wing and library; they were reluctant but made a deal with him; if he can first understand the history and culture of our garden, he can start his way to his medical venture; he was given 18 months to learn or he will have to leave. I'm glad Jaison has gotten comfortable because according to the oak elder he'll be staying with me during those months.

The day came for my new students to start their schooling, and Jaison helped me set up my classroom. "These kids, how old are they exactly? When does education start for the garden?" He asked as he cleaned the desks.

"In human years, the kids are around 15, but the garden counts age differently, so they are seven right now". I responded as I checked over my roster of students.

He hummed in response and finished the last desk and walked over to me. We continued to chat about the education system and I shared a few personal teacher stories about my previous classes. Until I heard chatter gathering outside my door so I led Jaison to the back exit just in time before the kids entered.

As the day passed and the kids went to pack up after their first day a boy came up to me looking a bit nervous. "Yes? Do you have a question for me, Hanying?" He nodded and gestured to me to come closer so I bent down.

"Is it true there's a pirate living with you?" He whispered. I smiled and shook my head.

"I have a doctor living with me for a small while, he just got a ride with the visiting pirates." I explained.

He nodded very seriously and said "that's good, doctors are nicer than pirates" he paused for a moment "though pirates are cooler, can he be a little bit pirate and a doctor?" I tried to hold back my laughter as I led him to his parents waiting outside.

In the distance I see the grand elder Wei making their way to me. Fear runs through me making me stand straighter hands by my side. I wait by my door hoping that they make a turn but the closer they get the less likely that seems. They're a few steps in front of me now and I know I have to speak.

"Good afternoon Grand Elder." I say as I bow to them. I can feel the Grand Elder's eyes on me.

"Adalina, I've come to see how you are holding up. I haven't seen you in quite some time." their voice is as emotionless as their face. No indication of malice and less of good will. I try not to react to their implications. I start to speak when Jaison comes to us dropping a hoard of books to the floor. I bow once more to the Grand Elder before rushing to help Jaison.

"Shit sorry for interrupting your talk. I didn't see that root sticking out." He says to me,

I shake my head. "No need to apologize, let me help you carry these inside." taking the books with me and walking past the Grand Elder to place the books on my desk for a moment. I hear Jaison talk with the Grand Elder.

"I swear I'm better at taking care of books." he chuckles. " I'll let you and Adalina get back to your conversation, but I want to give my thanks again for letting me and the few crewmen stay here for the time being."

"Of course, it's our pleasure to have you here. I'm sure that your fellow men will find their new home comfortable. Any many questions you may have I'm sure your host will answer." Grand Elder replies. Jaison starts to question what they said when I jump in.

"Thank you for your presence Grand Elder. I hate that I took this much time out of your busy schedule already." I force out, they nod to me and walk away. "Come on Jaison, let's put these books away."

"What did they mean by ' new home'? Those men have homes already, why are they staying here?" Jaison starts to question. I look out my window as I walk towards my library and I see the Grand Elder still nearby. I have to lie to him for now but at that moment it hits me. I'll have to lie to him forever. He can't know anything of what the grand council does. I take a small breath before answering.

"Jaison I don't know what lives those men used to have but they chose to stay here. It's not uncommon for men to do that, they ask the council to stay and we let them. They make new lives here and it seems to suit them just fine. Rarely does anyone regret their decision and leave to go back to their old lives." I look in his eyes and I know he doesn't buy it so I whisper "Jaison you have to drop it maybe later you'll figure it out."

He stares at me in confusion but as he turns to face the window I know he sees the Grand Elder too. He looks back at me and nods. "Well I don't blame them, this garden is beautiful."


Later that night as we eat dinner he tells me he wants to ask a few questions afterwards. I dread what he's wondering about but as we are about to sit in the living room for tea, there's knocking at my door. I make my way to the door but it swings open to reveal the lavender nurse from the hospital walking in with such confidence that I would've thought someone was dying in my home if I didn't know any better.

"I've come with the resupply of bandages and scar treatment. Adalina I know this can't be easy for you being a teacher with minimal first aid training treating this kind of situation , but you're always been the sweetest dyad here. I don't think I've ever shared my name, Lavista lavender, here to help this, should be dead man." Lavista rambles as she sets down medical supplies on the kitchen counter.

"Thank you Lavista, but I'm afraid I haven't been doing anything except sharing my home." I make my way to the medical supplies surveying the ointments and slaves that I've never seen. "I haven't even seen the scar since the hospital, Jaison hasn't showed any discomfort or mentioned anything of the sort." I turn to him, as he takes a great interest in the bandages.

Lavista stares between me and Jaison and the longer she looks at him her face grows more infuriated.

"What have you been doing mister? Let me see the damn scar." she scolds.

Jaison finally looks up to meet her eyes. "I've been treating it myself, I am a doctor. Adalina is already doing a lot as a host and I'm not going to inconvenience her more with something I can do myself. The scar is healing just fine anyhow." he defends as he opens his button up. For the first time since the hospital I saw his scar again, and it does look better than the last time I saw it. The skin isn't as red and the new tissue looks smoother.

"I do not care if you're Apollo himself, you can not treat your own wounds; especially if they are magically inflicted and treated!" She sputters out angrily. Lavista isn't very tall even for a lavender but seeing her this heated is quite scary.

"And you are right Lavista, but as Jaison stated he is a doctor. I'm sure if there is something that was even slightly off with the healing process he knows to come to me or the hospital for aid. Since he has yet to do so I think it is safe to assume the wound has started to take a natural turn and heal as such. Is that correct Jaison?" I give him a look hoping he understands what im trying to do. Luckily he does and nods in agreement.

Lavista grumbles and takes her leave, warning him at least three times to ask for help the moment something abnormal happens with his scar and he agrees to do so every time. Once my door is closed we both take a heavy sigh of relief, we look at each other and laugh at our synchronization.

Our laughter interrupted by another knock at the door....

A/N: plz vote on who you want to be at the door

      - a member of the grand council

    - a man from the ship Jaison was with

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