Chapter 2

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A/N: Oh boy we're really in it now fellas. This chapter is longer than the first two so buckle up cause a lot of lore is revealed here :)


The next morning it was revealed three were plucked from the crew, the rest were led by another group of nymphs to meet with the council of the elders. I was in my greenhouse when Calliroe came in.

"Adalina you're needed in the medical sanctuary," she stated in a stern voice. I nodded and followed her to the Tree of all Reasons, though confused. On our way, I mustered the courage to ask her why I was needed. "The injured from yesterday wouldn't calm down enough for his wound to heal properly." she answered as if that answered my question.

After a moment of what I considered a very awkward walk we finally made it to the grand tree in the middle of the garden. I stared at the Tree of all Reasons. I haven't been here in a very long time, I wished it was longer though. The guards let us through and I followed Calliroe down the halls towards the medical sanctuary which held more halls for us to maneuver through, one last turn and I heard a scream. I turned to her and by the grimace on her face, I already knew whose scream that belonged to. We entered the last room in the hall and the silver wife stood at the doorway, now standing slightly behind me. I waited before I realized that I was to open the door. I readied myself holding my breath as I prepared for the worst.

Opening the door I was hit with the scent of blood and mixed herbs. On a bed the man from yesterday was being treated by Tea tree doctors and lavender nurses. One nurse took notice of me and walked towards me.

"So how well do you know about what's going on?" her voice was soft but still demanded authority.

"Barley anything ma'am" I quickly replied, she nodded grimly

"Well for starters his heart has been cut. Also, he's not dying. You're here to be a distraction or better yet a sedative for him." she explained

"You want me to sedate him, how?" the moment I asked I knew the answer "My singing? You think that'll work?"

The nurse shrugged "I have no idea but the Meliai here think it just might. Says she's seen it before."

I look at Calliroe wondering what exactly she's seen and why she thinks I can do the same. I walked over to her and asked "You think a song would work M'lady?"

she nods. "Is it easy to learn?" She does something rare, she laughs, and in her laughter grips my shoulder.

"Adalina, this song is ancient, and very few can read the words, even fewer can hold the notes. You have a voice as strong as a whole choir and you've got the heart of a soldier. To answer your question, child, the song will not be easy to learn, but you can do it."

With confidence I stand a little straighter and nod. Calliroe then takes me to the library leaving the nurses and doctors to the suffering man. In the back of the library we're surrounded by books that look as old as the gods themselves. She scans the relics and grabs a scroll between two books passing it to me.

I read over the page expecting a music sheet but there were no notes, no scale, just written lyrics that have faded by time. I look at the silver wife in confusion. She responded with a nod gesturing for me to read it. Taking a deep breath, I started to read the words aloud. As I continued to read them the faded words became more eligible. Once I got to the third verse my vision turned white and a heavy voice rang in my head singing a song of the scars of war. I heard the instruments echo in the pit of my soul. I saw the god Apollo sing the song to his son's charred body sparks of lightning still shooting out. I see Ares and Paean in each other's arms while the healing god sings softly to the war god. I see ancient healers learn the song to mortals from kings to peasant soldiers. They all fail over and over until one dryad sings it to their lover and all the wounds are healed. The scenes stop and the light I saw shuts off and I feel my body touch the ground.

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