Introduction (Taking Up The Mantle)

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It all happened so fast. You could barely understand it. Your mother, May Parker, had called to you for dinner, but when you entered the kitchen she wasn't there. Only a pile of dust was in the kitchen.

Y/n: "Mom? Mom, where are you?"

You had ran around the whole apartment to find your mother, but there was no sign of her. Sounds of confusion came from your neighbors outside, but you weren't allowed to go outside the apartment without permission, and without your mother or cousin, Peter Parker. So you stayed in your apartment and waited for someone to come and tell you what was going on. It wasn't long, however, until a friend of your mother entered your apartment and sat down with you. She told you that something terrible had happened and people were disappearing everywhere.

You couldn't believe what you were hearing, and never thought this could happen. You were terrified out of your mind. Where was Peter? Was he okay? Or Mr. Stark and Happy? Were they okay?

The woman watched over you for the next few weeks before someone you recognized walked through the door. It was Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow. She sat down with you and began to fully explain what had happened. The news had already covered it a small bit, talking about how an alien named Thanos wiped out half of all life. But Natasha cleared it up.

Thanos was an alien warlord who sought out these powerful gems called the Infinity Stones. With them all, he snapped his fingers and erased half of all life in the universe. The entire world was in shambles at the moment, but all you cared about at the moment was Peter. You asked her where she was, only for her to respond by telling you to come with her.

She drove you to the Avengers Compound in Upstate New York. There you met the remaining Avengers and reunited with a malnutritished Tony Stark who was sitting in a wheelchair and hooked up to an IV bag. When the genius saw you, he nearly broke down as you went up to him and hugged him.

Tony: "I'm so sorry, kid... I'm sorry... I wasn't able to save him..."

You immediately knew what Tony meant by this. Peter had went with him to fight Thanos and was snapped away, just like the rest of half the universe. You only hugged him a little tighter, and he appreciated it. He hugged back.

Later, you were sitting next to Tony in front of a table that was displaying holographic images of those who were snapped away.

Stephen Strange.

King T'Challa of Wakanda.

Sam Wilson.

Nick Fury.

Bucky Barnes.

Scott Lang.

Peter Parker

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Peter Parker...

Your heart broke at the word "MISSING" appearing under his face. Tony felt heartbroken as well. He was supposed to protect him and to make sure he grew up to be a great hero. And he had failed Peter, along with his cousin.

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