The murder

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There's a scene of attempted rape and some violence too. Just so you know.

It had been a rather quite night. Nanna and Idunn had tried to make her go to Thor's victory feast, but she had rather stayed home. A good book and a warm fire, that's all she needed. Besides, had she gone to the festivities, she would have most likely seen her beloved fiancé, and would have had to talk to him, or dance. Sigyn shivered at the thought of having to go near that man, or feel his skin against hers. They had met a few times now, and it was quite certain the dislike was mutual. This made her wonder about herself. How come she had never been attracted to anyone else but Loki. How come she had never feel romantic love, but for him*. Of course, she had found some lords and ladies of the court very handsome and charming, but... never like this. Never in this very special way.

As for Theoric, he was the clear opposite of the man she loved in every way possible. He was vulgar, loud and crude. He had looked at her, from head to feet, that first time, and pretended to gag when his mother had her back turned to him, just to amuse his friends. He was all muscles, and no brain. At least, Prince Thor was kind and meant well. Theoric just wanted to have fun and gain power at court. He was an upstart through and through, just like the rest of his family. How could she be part of this flock? She knew her mother did not like her, but this was too much. They would use her, and when they were done with her, they would probably threw her away. She did not worth much, that was clear. Not to her family, nore to her future in-laws.

Had she been to the party, she would have also seen Loki, and that broke her heart. To meet him now was painful. How could she see the man she loved, the one she actually wanted, when she was promised to another? Being in his company reminded her of all her silly dreams and childish fantasies, of the marriage she had imagined, of their nights together, of the children they would have. Now, her children would be Theoricson and Theoricdottir. How was that even possible? Her whole being revolted and revulsed at the idea. She had dreamt of children with dark hair and blue eyes. Some would be hers, and others, she had decided one day, would be adopted, but she would treat them all as hers. As theirs. She was meant to be the mother of the Lokisons and Lokidottir. Not Theoric's spawns. She refused that fate.

She had accepted Loki would never be her husband, or even her lover. Her dream of a family with him was long gone, but that did not mean she had to play the sacrificial lamb and suffer such a humiliating, dreadful fate. Theoric Borson would never touch her. And if she had her way, he would never marry her either. That night, instead of dancing with her sisters in the All-Father's hall, or reading a book, she started planning her escape. Would Heimdall help? She doubted it. Would Loki help her? Oh yes, if he knew of this, he would laugh and support her mischief. But just a look at him, and her heart shattered. How she wished to be pretty and for him to love her as she loved him. But she was no Amora, or Lady Sif. Never would she catch his eye in that special way. They had known each other for how many centuries now? Their friendship was the most wonderful and precious thing in her life, but if something had to happen between them, it would have a long time again. That ship had sailed, she had to accept it and move on.

First, she had to create a copy of herself, good enough to fool everyone until the wedding. By the time they found out it was not truly her, she would be gone and very far away from Asgard. But where would she go? That was the problem, as she had family in most of the civilized worlds – her mother was queen of Vanaheim, her father King of Nidavellir, her uncle ruler of the Light Elves of Alfheim... Was she to find a home with demons of Muspelheim? Well, Jotunheim was a bit cold, but no one would look for her there... Of course, there was Midgard. Its inhabitants were a bit dumb, always fighting each other over this or that, putting their whole world at risk over a whim or their selfish needs, but they had some very good books, and tasty foods. That seemed nice. And since her mother would be out of her life, no one would criticize her over her gaining weight. Perfect.

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