Chapter Eight: Big Day

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Dear Diary My sister and Aunt today and we go to grandma's grave from the airport it is like an hour away I tell them today I am a little nervous I tell them I have powers and wings and about the boys today and I have training today with Gam's and with the boy's and Elena talks to Stefen about him being a vampire I hope my they take it well I feel like my mom would take it well since she has a gifted she will take it well but it is my sister I am worried about we do everything together and I hope my aunt understand I really need them to understand.

After I write in my diary I got up to take a shower when I take off my clothes I did not notice that Borra was in the shower he came out and said: " Well hello there beautiful do you want to get in." He really scared me and then I said " what the hell you scared the shit out of me ." And he looked at me and said " Sorry kitten but do you want to get in soulmates always shower together." And I said, " No I am good." And then I realized I was naked in front of him and I was about to leave when " No come back I don't have a problem with your body I like you big there is just more to love." I looked at him and I was shocked no one has ever said that to me before and then I said " How did you know that was why I was leaving I just never felt comfortable with being naked in front of boys" and then he said, " I am a man not a boy and I am your soulmate I will love you at any size and where I come to form big girls are really good at sex and having babies now get in here." The next thing I know he pulled me in the shower and started to touch me and I loved it and the next thing I know I feel a hand on my bare pussy I was about to moan and the next thing I know a hand was over my mouth I looked at him and he said: " You can't moan too loudly everyone is asleep it is 5:00 in the morning." If was so hard not to moan he made me feel good and he was balancing me in the shower my legs were numb because I had five powerful orgasms when we were coming up to six he said: " Do you need to cum princess you're going to need to cum really harder or I will make you cum into 7:00." He looked at me and I was so ready to cum and the next thing I have the biggest orgasms I ever had I feel really warm I was about to fall and then he caught and said " See I told you size does not matter to me the one thing that matter is if you have a good heart." And then he told me to take my wings out and then I did and he said: " Let me touch your wings you will love it I promise." I brought them out and then he said " their beautiful so beautiful I am going to touch them now." When he touch my wings it felt really good and it made me feel loved and powerful it made me want to have emotions again and then I ask him what he did and he said: " I made you feel the love I feel for you and the power we can give each other but I felt your pain are you ok what happened whatever you where thinging it made you want to scream are you ok." He knew what I was feeling he knew I was angry at the world and at my world but I can't tell him now not yet so I say " I will tell you in time but not now I want to learn how to control my magic before we talk about that." And then he said, " it's ok we don't have to talk now but I hope we can talk some." When I put on my clothes on i notices it was 6:00 it was time to get my sister and my aunt Borra said he was going to meet up with Udo and Mako so me and mom got in the car and when we got to the airport she looked at me and said " Why are you so nervous Sofia and Moline are living in the same place as us again they got a house right next to our I thought you would be happy." she said and I said " I am happy I just have a surprise form everyone today." she said Ok and then we saw them and i runna to them and give them the biggest hug in the world and said " Finally we all live in the same place again we are going to have fun I have made a lot of friends here and you will meet them today and tomorrow it will be fun I can help you with your room and then she said " KeKe breath before you have a asthma attack" They all laugh and I said "I'm just happy." we get in the car and go to the grave and when we get their we have flowers and lights for her and when my mom was about to put the flowers in I said " Wait mom what was grandma's favorite color." And she said, " Pink was her favorite color why." I go and sit where mama was sitting and I put my hand on the ground and gold magic came out and Pink flowers grow on the grave mama, aunt, and sister and then my mom said: " You have magic omg I always know you where special." I was so happy she was ok with it and I looked at my sister and my aunt and they were crying and then I said "What are you not happy and they said " yeah we happy for you Keke" and that made me calm down and then I said " I have two other things to tell you the one I have two people I want you to meet and." when I say that I push my wings out and my mom looks at me with tears in her eyes and then she said " you have wings omg you are so beautiful I love you so much you gifted is strong and then she said, " wait you said you wanted us to meet two people who are they." And then I said " you will see when we get home." as we were going home I was nervous I really hope they love them I really love them and I am 16th and they are 17 so there is no problem we pull up in the driveway and mom said "where are they I don't see them and then I said " I know we are black and this goes against everything we stand for but we need to go into the woods and I promise nothing bad will happen." they looked at me but followed me when we got into the woods I said " Borra, Udo and Mako come out and please don't share my family or I will hit all of you." They walk out and then my mom looked shocked like everyone else and then Borra said, "hello I hope we didn't scare you because if we did she will hit us she really loves all of you." He said trying to break the ice. My mom said " Nicole you said we were meeting two there are three of them what is going on. When she used my middle name I got scared and then Borra said: " aww your middle name is Nicole that is so cute." I looked at him and he got the message I looked at my mom and said " This is Borra and Udo these or who I wanted you to meet and this is their friend Mako." she looked like she know what I was going to say next but before I could say it Mako said something that made it worse " Mate she is my mate who are you." He looked at Sofia and then she said " My name is Sofia I am Keyvon's half-sister what does mate mean. My mom looked at me and I said " OK before you say anything I am 18 and they are 19 and also I know they have horns but it is not what you think is called Black Fey and I and their mate and Mako is Sophie's mate please don't be mad and please don't make me stay away from them I really love them they make me happy and they are teaching me how to use my magic please I never thought I would be h happy again. My mom looked at me and then she looked at them and the next thing I know she said something I never thought she would say " Keyvon it is ok they make you happy and I can see in their eyes that they love you and it is time you let your guard down but if you hurt my daughter I will cut off your wings." They looked scared I was happy and then Sofia said " What how is he my mate." and then I said "You know that birthmark you have on your left thigh" and she said yeah and I said " show her" and he show her the birthmark and I said, " That is how you know he is your soulmate and If you don't trust that then wait into you grow wings you are a cheifness now." And she said " what is that" but before I could say anything mom and aunt said, " We are going to the house do you want to come." And I said " No I have magic training today Sofia if you want to come you can." and she said, " Yeah I will come I want to know more I will see you when I get home mama." Udo and Borra said they would walk our Mother's home to make sure they were safe I was going to tell them about vampires another day we were walking in the woods and Sofia said " can you explain the chiefness part again" and I said, " Well I and the chiefness of the Desert Tribe and the Tundra Tribe and Mako is the new chief of the Forest Tribe and since he is your mate you are the cheifness of the Forest Tribe now and tomorrow we will go to Gam's she was also be teaching us about magic." Borra and Udo come back and then Borra said: " I am where you get your death stare from your aunt said if we hurt you she will cut off our dick's and your mother just looked at us the whole time I have to meet Maleficent to get ready for our big day if your sister wants to came she can you don't have to worry about meet our people you can meet them when you want Sofia." Sofia said, " If my sister is going to meet your people then I can go when is it and if I have her I will be ok and she needs me she will go off in a minute." And then Borra said, "It is three days from now but we can move it." No, it's ok three days is a lot of time for us to get to know each other right, Mako." And Mako said, " yeah we can go on some dates to get to know each other." With that Borra flew away I and Udo were working on my magic and Mako and Sofia were working on her's me and Udo had to go deep into the woods so I could learn how to make vines wrap around the tree I was trying to do it but I was bored so I said " Can we go flying please I have not gone flying yet please." and Udo said " no you need to learn how to do this and then you need to learn how to make a dead flower come to life." and I said " But baby I am bored please one time. And I use my puppy eyes ad he said " Ok we can go flying one time ok." we put our wings out and then he said " Oh yeah Maleficent said we can't fly in the air sorry." he said with a smile on his faces and then I said with a smirk on my faces " Who said we are going to fly in the sky." and then I started to fly in the woods and he flew after me and said " come back what I someone see us." and I said, "They won't see us we are deep in the woods." He told me to stop but I didn't listen but he is faster than me so he caught up to me and he said: " I told you to stop and you didn't listen to me." There was lust in his eyes and it make me get so wet and he put his and in my pants and put it on my bare pussy and said " You like when I yelled at you you like when I am rough with you." and I could not help but moan he was toughing my cilt and then he said " I am going to make you cum in the wood I hope someone sees us so they know your mine I am goignto make you scream." and the push down on my cilters he keeps rubbing down on my cilters he would rub and whisper sweet naughty thing in my ear it made me wet and he know it I was about to cum when he whispers " Oh are you going to cum for daddy you little sult cum on my finger." when I look down I could see him rubbing his dick in his hands it made me wet and he said " I want you to scream form me when you are about to com or you want cum at all I want everyone to hear you oh fuck I am so close. When he said that I was about to cum so I said " UDO FUCK YES PLEASE MAKE ME CUM and he said " No you call me daddy you little bitch I do ready to fuck your tight little pussy fuck." and when I was about to come I said, " DADDY PLEASE MAKE ME CUM FUCK MY TIGHT LITTLE PUSSY YES FUCK YES." We cum at the same time and he said " After you meet our people we are going to do the mating ritual we are going to fuck you all day and night and we did not do any magic today." And then I said " worth It." He laughs at me and that was when Borra came back and said, " you did not do any magic did you." We laugh and said no he said that Mako take Sofia home so we went home they still wanted to go through the window I went to sleep in a bed of warmth. 

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