Ash's Bayleef Destiny Arc: Ch. 2 - An Aura Encounter

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The quartet of Absol, Bayleef, Roserade, and Flygon arrived in Veilstone City two days later and stood upon a hilltop looking over the city. "It's so beautiful." Bayleef remarked, "It feels nice to be out in a big city after so long." "Oh, my legs are still stiff after that long plane ride." Roserade stated, "I hope there are plenty of benches down there." "You're worried about benches, Roserade? Flygon asked, "I'm definitely more curious about those meteorites I've heard about in the corner of the city." "You two and your random sight-seeing adventures..." Absol snickered, "They never cease, do they?" Bayleef smiled at him, "They just want to have fun now, Absol, before the convention. I'm sure you're interested in looking at the sights, just as much as everyone else does." Absol chuckled, "Perhaps. What are you interested in checking out, Bayleef?" Another voice chimed in, "I think I can help her suggest something." Absol looked up and saw May's Blaziken walking up to their group, with Venusaur, Glaceon, and Beautifly right behind him. "Well, well, well... What a surprise to see you here, Blaziken..." Absol said, "Long time, no battle..." "Right back at 'ya, Absol." Blaziken replied, "So, I see you've got Ash's Bayleef as a guest there. I find that highly unusual for you." Absol chuckled, "Is that so? Well, I invited her out here, and she accepted. You don't think I can make friends now?" "Friend, is she?" Blaziken giggled, "We'll see about that, given time. Anyway, speaking of Pokémon at Oak's Lab... Once this convention is over, I have my own business to take care of over there as well." Bayleef titled her head at him in confusion and asked, "What kind of business?" Blaziken looked at her and answered, "You see, Bayleef... I have a certain... Old score to settle with another Pokémon, who belongs to your master. I've been waiting for this reunion for a long time... And my flames await him..."

Bayleef smiled, "Well, I wish you luck with that. So, what is this suggestion you have for me?" Blaziken nodded, "Oh right. That... Well, I hear you once defeated a fighting-type gym leader back in Johto, and, from what my master heard from Ash's companion from Sinnoh named Dawn, the gym leader in this town also raises fighting type Pokémon." "Really?!" Bayleef exclaimed, "Wow...! I haven't had a significant battle in quite a while, but... If the gym here is what you say it is, I wouldn't mind that kind of challenge to bring back my old battling days." "You totally should do that, Bayleef." Roserade continued, "After all, if you've defeated one fighting type gym leader before, you should be more than a challenge for this one, too." Flygon looked at Blaziken, "So, do you know exactly what Pokémon this gym leader has?" "I'm not entirely sure." Blaziken replied, "However, Dawn did tell my master that the strongest one on the gym leader's team, technically, never lost to any of either her or Ash's Pokémon when they traveled together in Sinnoh." The other four Pokémon gasped in disbelief. "That's what I heard at least." Blaziken continued, "Well, one of those was a draw, but this Pokémon won the other four battles they had. I still can't recall the specific Pokémon Dawn mentioned." Bayleef giggled, "It doesn't matter. I'm not scared. If a certain someone, Blaziken, who you want to settle an old score with, can defeat a previously undefeated legendary back during the Sinnoh League, I know I can beat this guy, too." Blaziken chuckled, "You're certainly stubborn like him, Bayleef, but, of course, I admire your spirit. Good luck." He and the rest of May's Pokémon soon then walk off in another direction.

Bayleef then turned her attention back to Absol. "You three can go sight-seeing downtown if you want." She stated, "I'm going to find this gym and challenge it." Absol looked worried, "Are you sure you don't want any of us to follow you?" "Absol, I'll be fine." She answered, "You don't need to worry about me. I'm sure that this gym's and its Pokémon are on good terms with my master. If someone were to try to harm me, I can fight for myself and assure you that there's probably going to be extra security around the city for the convention." "Bayleef's right, Absol." Roserade continued as he patted Absol with his flowery arm, "She'll be fine. We'll meet her for a nice dinner in the town square tonight afterwards, and everything will be ok. Sound like a plan, Bayleef?" Bayleef nodded in return. "See? No worries." Roserade said, "Now... Let's go do some sight-seeing!" "About time!" Flygon said excitingly, "I say we go to those meteorites first!" "No way, Flygon!" Roserade countered as the two of them began to walk away, "I say we look at the sights downtown first!" Absol chuckled a little at them before looking at Bayleef, "You sure you're going to be ok?" Bayleef nodded, "I'll be fine, Absol. I promise." The two of them nuzzled each other in a friendly manner. "Ok, Bayleef. I believe you." Absol replied, "I'll see you later." Bayleef smiled brightly, "Have fun now, Absol." She watches as Absol walked over to join Flygon and Roserade, and Bayleef walked in the route that led towards the gym.

Ash's Bayleef Destiny Arc: Chapter 2 - An Aura EncounterWhere stories live. Discover now