//~[Chapter 10; Sports Festival]~\\

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After the few days mom had been gone Dabi and I, bonded during that time. But now mom was back and acted completely normal, like she hadn't disappeared for days. "Liz, today's that sports festival thing they have at your school right? I'll be watching!" Mom cheered through the phone; chuckling I hang up and walk back in the direction of the big stadium where everyone would be watching, judging you based on your quirk. "Anata wa shinkeishitsuna andāson ni miemasu. Kyōsō o osorete imasu ka? (You look nervous Anderson. Afraid of competition?)" Shinso laughed wholeheartedly seeing my nervous and paranoid face.
"Zenkoku no min'na ga kore o mite imasu yo ne? (Everyone in the country is watching this right?)" He nods and watches my face become paler by the second. "Kuse de handan sa reru no ga kowaidesu. Mi rarete iru kanji ga kiraidesu. (I'm afraid of being judged based on quirk. I hate the feeling of being watched.)" I clench my stomach tightly whining at the thought and feeling forming in my stomach. "Andāson o ochitsuka se, shinkokyū. Naigai ni. Jūbun ni nagaku kiku to, kuse ni handan sa reru kankaku ga kiemasu (Calm down Anderson, deep breaths. In and out. The feeling of being judged by quirk will disappear if you hear it long enough)" Shinso places a hand on my shoulder staring as I take a deep breath in and out, waiting a few seconds before repeating the motion "Anata wa ima ochitsuite imasu ka? Moshi sōnara, watashitachiha hokanohito ni sanka suru hitsuyō ga arimasu. (You calm now? If so we need to join the others.)" He asked calmly removing his hand from my shoulder; squeezing my eyes shut I took in another deep breath and start walking close behind Shinso and towards our class.
Once everything was explained start was called and everyone rushed for the first test


Sucking in a sharp breath my eyes stayed planted on the TV, I was both nervous and excited.
The longer I stared the more I got lost watching as everyone fought for first. My thoughts scattering at the knock of the door, standing I quickly shuffle towards the door and open it seeing Dabi standing outside glancing at his phone screen.
Immediately my mind went to Liz, they were so similar. "Dabi, come in. What brings you here?" I asked with a smile; he walks in with that blank stare he always seemed to wear. "Thought I'd watch the sports festival" He shrugged groggily sliding his shoes off heading straight for the couch. I follow suit sitting at the other end eyes going back to the TV while glancing back at Dabi who sat with his right leg over his left and arms resting on the rim of the couch. His eyes never leaving the screen
"GeneralStudies no LizAnderson ga, hīrōkōsu no midori tani de Hisa no sugu ushiro ni mukatte imasu! (Liz Anderson from General studies is making her way towards first right behind Izuku Midoriya from the hero course!)" My eyes flicked back to the screen, I sat at the edge of my seat in anticipation.
"Ekisaitinguna hito-tachi ga fuete imasu! Kono raundo de dare ga shudō-ken o nigiru nodesu ka? Hīrōkōsu no midori tani de Hisa, 爆豪 Katsumi, hīrōkōsu no Todoroki ase kō, rizu andāson?! (It's getting exciting folks! Who's going to take the lead in this round? Midoriya Izuku from the hero course, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto also from the hero course or Liz Anderson?!)" The blonde man who I had learned was Present Mic exclaimed happily; a few minutes pass and a loud explosion sounded, pink smoke flying in the air blocking the cameras from seeing what was happening
out of the mist came flying that green haired kid taking first place, Liz not far behind. She never went outside much so I was shocked she could keep up with the hero course kids! Not only that she seemed to be enjoying the race, making it right behind that Todoroki kid.
Half red and half white hair. "Yes!" I exclaimed cheering in my seat knowing full well that Liz couldn't hear me. A quiet chuckle came from the other end of the couch where Dabi sat, a small grin lighting his face, his eyes still on the TV screen
"She's doing really well isn't she!" I paused waiting for a response from Dabi. "Well she's not bad" He shrugged glancing from me then back to the TV "Liz was never energetic or enthusiastic about anything as a kid, when she was younger around maybe seven or so I noticed she had found interest in things like violence and fire" I started, looking back at my memories of Liz when she was younger
"Always had that stone cold face on too. Never showed any of her feelings or anything, never even cried when she got hurt." My smile became a frown remembering all those memories before her father left me for some woman. "Even now she has trouble expressing herself, sure she acts happy and tells you things but, deep down she's bottling her feelings and hiding them in a chest behind a barrier, you can't even read her eyes without seeing that barrier" Sighing I look back at Dabi with a sad smile
"That was, until we moved here. Everything is new and the people here are so nice, back in the US I'm sure kids there were rude to her and others" Our eyes lock and I kept that same smile, his expression never wavering from that empty stare of his "Liz might not look it, but she's ambitious and a perfectionist. She deserves better than the life she was given. So, if I ever disappear one day. Take care of her for me Dabi" With that my head turned back towards the TV watching everyone chase after each other using their powers for grabbing and attacking the kids;
Liz had just lines of headbands on her neck and arms, a blinding hue covering the kids and her getting brighter each time someone ran after them. She was always skilled with her power, never shared an interest to becoming a hero like her sisters and father, which is partially why Liz moved in with me.
"I should get going" I looked over to a standing Dabi who was looking down at his phone with a serious yet void expression.
He looks up at me calmly "Tell Liz she did good and that I was watching" With that he took off for the door sliding on his shoes then left without a word

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