{{A/N: At this point I'ma be loosing readers if I continue the cliff hangers🤣 love ya'll
Author-Chan out}}________________________________________________________________________________________
The next morning was my birthday. Why I wasn't excited, simple, I don't care for my birthday like everyone else. Yes I love the attention but at the same time I want to be left alone.
I haven't told anyone about my birthday since I joined school- except for the student files, but other than those no one but mom and my friends back home knew. "Andāson!! (Anderson!!)" Mina yelled wrapping her arm around my shoulders happily squealing about something, it only took a few seconds for her to notice the bags under my eyes and the bruises on either end of my neck
luckily my thighs were covered by the socks and part of the skirt the school gave. "Dō shita no? (Hey what happened?)" She asked worriedly placing both hands onto my shoulders staring me deathly into my tired and dull eyes
"Tokuni nai. Onajiyōni atsui Hera de haha to tatakatte iru toki ni, ayamatte kubi no chikaku ni nabe o motte imashita (nothing special. Accidentally held a pot close to my neck while battling my mom with an equally hot spatula)" I lied keeping both my mind and eyes blank, blocking everyone from seeing the truth.
She frowns and takes my hands in hers pulling me to the side. "Nanika ga okashī no ka oshietekudasai. (You can tell me if something's wrong.)" Mina frowned sadly continuing to watch my empty stare "Ashi to, nani mo warui koto wa arimasen. Itta yō ni, kubi ni atsui nabe o motte Hera de okāsan to tatakatta (Ashido, nothing is wrong. It's like I told you, battled my mom with a spatula while holding a hot pan close to my neck)" I shrug pulling myself away from her hands and continued my way to class. Shinso was the second to immediately notice the bruises
"Andāson? Dō shita no? (Anderson? What happened?)" He asked as we sat side by side in our Algebra class. The worst one of the day.
"Kubi ni onaji kurai atsui nabe o motte, atsui Hera de okāsanto-sen tte imashita (I was battling my mom with a hot spatula while holding an equally hot pan close to my neck)" I continued my lie of sorts just so I wouldn't raise suspicion if my friends ever asked. Throughout the day some friends and a few teachers asked if I was alright or if my parents abuse me, of course I told them the same lie I've been telling all day but to no avail I was called to the principals office
"Ah, Anderson! I've been getting word from the teachers you have bruises on your neck? And by the looks of it they were right. Mind telling me what happened?" His smile looked almost evil in the light. "Well, mom and I were battling in the kitchen with some really hot spatulas and pots in our hands- I accidentally burned myself both." I lied keeping my eyes blocked off from anyone seeing through their wall.
His smile never leaves as the room falls silent, Eraserhead to the left scanning over my bruises while All Might watched both my bruises and expression.
A few seconds pass and it was finally broken "Those don't look like bruises you get from a hot pan" Eraser glared as I glared back
"Well they are." Our glares never ended and when All Might stepped in Eraserhead's glaring ceased but mine stayed. "Anderson, to my understanding you're in general studies" Nezu changed the subject catching my attention quickly. "Yes? What about it?" I asked locking eyes with those beady black orbs.
"And by your school records have a lot of talent to be in the hero course" Immediately I saw where this was going and scoffed. "No thanks, I'm not going to become some wannabe hero like my dad, if he found out his entire attitude would have changed from 'your a disappointment' to 'I new you'd come around'." I growled clenching my fists at the thought of him. Nezu's smile never falters as both All Might and Eraser stared at me in somewhat of a surprised expression
"Give it two weeks, if you're still sure about staying in general studies then you can, it's up to you too decide." Nezu smiles brightly before turning to Eraser "Anderson is going to tag along with your class for those two weeks alright Aizawa?" He nods and looks over at me before going back to staring daggers into the floor.
"Nezu sir, if anyone deserves to be in the hero course it's Hitoshi Shinso. He's braver, stronger and more aware of things than I am. He wants to become a hero as well" Keeping my eyes locked with Nezu he saw just how serious I was and nodded slowly closing his eyes as if considering what I had said "Alright. If you still want to be in general studies by the time two weeks is up I'll see if your friend wants to go in" Nezu agreed with a nod. Before leaving the office completely Nezu spoke up "Oh and by the way Anderson." I turn to face him in confusion.
"Happy birthday"Later that day word must've gotten out and I had kids from my regular classes saying happy birthday to me every time I passed them in the halls or in class.
Well, summer break came around the corner like flash turning a corner.
I had one more week with the heroes and mom was still away on that 'mission' of hers, Dabi had disappeared some time ago and hasn't been back yet. I couldn't care less though, wherever he was wasn't any of my business.
"Liz, are you okay? You've been distracted recently" Ari asked appearing beside me. She was one of the few who knew about my deal "Yeah I'm fine, just a bit tired" I smiled kindly at my friend heading towards 1A. After one week of being in that class everyone already seemed like I should stay there- besides Bakugou and Shinso. I told him about the deal I made with Nezu and he seemed almost thrilled and angry at the same time.
Today we were going to that summer camp thing, I was enjoying my time there in the hero class but my mind was set. I wasn't going to become a hero and I wasn't going to be wasting my time with something I had no intention of becomingSince I didn't have a hero costume- nor did I want one, I was allowed to leave home early and pack some normal clothes. But by the time I got home there was a specific someone by the door looking down at his phone. Anger started to grow but I pushed it back down.
"Hey Dabi, been a while." I said pulling out my house key heading straight for the door passing him as if he wasn't even there, he took notice and immediately went to grab my waist. "What's wrong doll?" I shook his hand away from my waist and went straight upstairs uncaring of the dirt I was dragging in
it took a few minutes before I responded but wnen I did my voice came out sarcastic and angry "Ah well, thought you'd be fucking another bitch right now." I said walking into my room and into the closet where I grabbed out a bag then began pulling some clothes off the hangers pairing them with pants.
"What are you talking about doll?" Dabi asked appearing in front of me looking from the bag to my empty stare. "Well, I let you in, I trust you, you seduce me run off to who knows where so I figured you were just looking for a good time. You had your fun with me and wants someone else to run off with until you get bored and ditch her or him" I shrug boredly stepping around him calmly feeling his arms grab at my arms and pull me flush against him "I mean it's your life, your choices nothing I can do about it other than ignore the feeling and cry myself to sleep" His breathing was slow as he held me close "Look I had to take care of some things, I promise I wasn't sleeping with anyone" He reassured me running his hand along my back while his voice was a near whisper, his head tilted up towards the ceiling; sighing I look up at him with a smile
"I don't care who you sleep with Dabi, it's your life, not like we're dating. But anyways I made a deal with Nezu about staying two weeks with the hero course and I'm going to their training camp thing, but I think my friend Shinso should go into the hero course, I have to get back we're leaving today" Releasing my hold on Dabi his hands stay firmly around my back, holding me close to him
"Don't go" He whispered earning a chuckle from me "I have too" I replied as his grip grew stronger. "I'll be back in a week, you'll live" Allowing a laugh to leave my lips his arms continued to tighten "You might not" He continued whispering sadly keeping eye contact with me "Dabi, I'm stronger than you think. But I have to go now" I pouted at the end getting on my toes which didn't help me at all so I kiss his neck and rush out of the room making sure I had everything before I left completely.

||-Running Waters-||{{~Dabi x Liz~}} *Abandoned*
Fanfiction"Come on Liz, we're going home" She grabbed my wrist tightly making me wince slightly as she dragged me towards the entrance of Taylor's house. "I don't get what the big deal is! It's just a party mom" I growled angrily staring out the window of th...