Reunion and Coffee P.2

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"Did you leave because I'm a part of a family of hunters?"

Taehyun's heart stops.

He snaps his head back to find Beomgyu looking back at him with eyes full of earnestness. After all this time, those were the last words Taehyun would expect to hear out of his old schoolmate's mouth.

Attempting to keep his composure, Taehyun means to play dumb but chokes on his words, "Uh, w-what do you mean? Hunters?"

A sad smile appears on Beomgyu's face and Taehyuns heart drops. He looks away, realizing it's pointless to lie, and sits up wrapping his around his knees. The vampire's mind is racing, trying to make sense of exactly what his friend is confessing to him; Was he actually insinuating that he really did know of the kind of world Taehyun was born into... and apparently, one Beomgyu was too? The vampire breaks the silence.

"I thought you just didn't know."

"Know what?" Beomgyu asks, sitting up as well.

"...That you had hunter's blood in you... That I was a vampire... I don't know..." Taehyun mumbles the last few words feeling stupid and naieve. How could I be such a fool?

"When I first sensed the presence of a vampire in our school, and not just any vampire but an aristocratic vampire," Beomgyu begins, "I was so surprised that, well... You see, you were the first vampire I sensed on my own out in the world, I didn't know what to do."

Taehyun stays silent and stares straight ahead. Beomgyu continues.

"Then, when I saw just how nervous you were coming into homeroom, those fears melted away and I knew that you must be a kind. I was actually amazed that such a high ranking vampire decided to come to a school full of humans–"

"So you knew the whole time?" Taehyun snapped, wasting no effort to hide the frustration in his tone of voice.

"No–I mean yes, I did know, but–"

"You went around acting like an innocent human, to what? Trick me? Test me?" A sense of betrayal forms deep inside Taehyun and he becomes overwhelmed with emotion.

Wait fuck, "No, no, Taehyun, please listen to me–"

"NO!" Taehyun quickly gets to his feet, "This is some kind of trap isn't it?! Why tell me now after so long?!" He starts backing away, Beomgyu following after him in a panic. "Why attack me now when you've had years to take your aim?!"

Shit no! Why is he reacting this way?!

"Y-You didn't say anything either!" the hunter retorts back, but quickly wishes he could take back those words after he sees Taehyun's reaction. Stopped in his tracks, the vampire slowly turns his head to the other, eyebrows tense and eyes wild like an animal. Beomgyu tightens his jaw, anxiety rising within him and he feels a sting dwelling behind his eyes.

"Why would be stupid enough expose myself to anyone in that damn school? Let alone to you; someone who I sensed had vampire hunter ancestry?" Taehyun spits, rage burning in his eyes. "But no! Because of your 'happy-go-lucky' personality towards me, I was naive enough to fall for your little act–Oh God how could I have been so stupid?" The vampire's heart is racing and images of long, flowing silver hair flashes in his mind. "None of it was even real, was it?!"


Taehyun's gaze is to his right shoulder and his left cheek stings. He looks back at Beomgyu and sees his face scrunched in dismay, tears forming in the brunette's eyes.

"How could you question our friendship like that?" the hunter yells at the vampire. "How?!"

Tears begin to roll down Beomgyu's cheeks. In a bit of a state of shock, the silver haired boy just stands there. A hunter crying... being vulnerable in front of a vampire? Taehyun blinks. But, it's Beomgyu...

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