Mom to Be.

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"Dad?" I said slowly shutting the door slowly behind me.

"He's out right now" I heard an unfamiliar voice yell from the kitchen. So I went in to check.

"Are you the new help?" I asked the lady standing at the oven who was stirring what was in the pot.

"No, did you forget about me already?" She laughed

"You're my dad's fiance, Right?" I asked

"of course"

"You cut your hair and dyed it didn't you" I stated the obvious

"Yeah" She smiled.

"this is my house I grew up here and I don't see how you think you can come into my fathers life and try to change everything" I went off

"Your father is the one that wants to start over. I just want him to be happy, so I agreed." She explained

"He doesn't need to start over. He's only here for less than a week every month while i'm left here alone. Do you know anything about me or what i've gone through ?" I began crying

"You're father's told me all about you." She said approaching and hugging me

"About Chris?" I asked



"Yes. And to be honest I don't think your dad is marrying me because he's in love with me I think he just wants to marry me because he wants there to be someone for you while he's away. After all we've only been together for three months" She said still hugging me "And if it helps i'll tell him I don't want to move." She ended wiping my tears away with her shirt.

"So why are you marrying him if you don't think he loves you?" I asked

"Well I love him." She smiled walking back to the oven and put in some spices. "Don't you have class?" She asked

"It's in an hour" I replied getting up off the chair and I began making my way out of the room to get ready for class "How do you know?" I asked turning my head half way

"Your dad told me. You know he knows more about you than you think" She smiled before she turned to finish cooking. 

After I got ready for school I decided to walk there instead of having the driver drive me. On my way there I began practicing how i'd tell MAxxie that i'm pregnant. "Maxxie i'm expecting and i'm going to keep the baby" I said before I realized the chance that it could be Chris's. "Maxxie i'm pregnant and you might be the father"  "Beautiful day Maxxie isn't it. I'm pregnant"  "I know I messed up Maxxie but I'm expecting" "Hey Maxxie. I'm pregnant" I tried tons of ways to tell him but I couldn't find the right one. Eventually I got to school and took my seat while e everyone was busy working on revisions but thank the Lord I didn't have them this year. So I sat in my chair which was next to Maxxie's. But he still hadn't arrived.  Eventually MAxxie made a grand entrance like always.

"Hey guys" He said smiling at the door.

"Maxxie" everyone shouted. But I was relieved.

"I want you guys to meet someone. James" Maxxie said as James came in and held Maxxie's hand before they took their seats beside me.  So for the rest of the period I had to listen while people asked them about their relationship but I couldn't deal with hearing anyone else congratulate them so I got up, grabbed my things, and walked around campus sinceI couldn't home considering my new mom was there so I saw Michelle and Jal talking.

"i'm pregnant" Jal shouted at Mitchell in Spanish who was talking over her.  This was a big problem for me because if I was expecting Chris's child and Jal is obviously expecting his child there would be no way he's be there for mine.

When I got home Naomi immediately came to check who it was.

"You don't get out of class until 4:30" She said

"Naomi" i began crying "I need to confess something to someone" I said

"Yeah of course we can talk in my room." She said leading me to my father's bedroom. "What is it?" She asked sitting on the bed and patted down the seat next to her so I took a seat next and I explained to her everything about Maxxie, Sketch, Effie, and Chris and everything that happened since the last time my dad was here with her.

"and now i'm going to be a mother" I ended

"So it can be Chris's or Maxxie's?" She asked

"Yes and now Maxxie is dating James"  I told her

"If you choose to keep the kid I can help you raise him i'll be here anyways since i'm not a fan of touring life" She said hugging me while I cried into her arms.

"Who do I tell? Do I tell Chris even though he's expecting with Jal? Or should I tell Maxxie even if there's a chance it's not his?"

"Whether or not you choose to tell anyone is your choice. You can keep it a secret if you want? If you want to keep it to yourself until you show go ahead let them find out for their own" She stated stroking my hair until I fell asleep.

"what do you mean she's pregnant again?!?" I heard my dad yell

"she can't know I told you" Naomi trembled

"Does she want to keep it?" My dad hissed.

"i don't know but whatever she chooses  we have to be okay with it and support her" She begged as I hears a door shut and my phone rang

"Chris is in the hospital" I heard Cassie cry over the phone before she hung up.

So I got out of bed and rushed down stairs. 

"where are you going?" Naomi asked

"To the hospital" I said before shutting the door. And had the driver take me when I got there I saw Cassie, and Jal in the hallway.

"Where is he?" I asked before approaching a room with his name on it. 

But then the nurse came and took Jal and I into a room where Chris was. And when we saw him he was plugged into machines but Chris was asleep.

"Jal?" I whispered

"Yes?" She asked

"i'm pregnant and chances are it's Chris's and i'm sorry I sleep with him while you two were together" I said as a tear fell down my eye.

"i'm pregnant and I think i'm going to keep him or her" She said in a hushed voice right before the nurse came in.

"he's got a blood's hereditary" She added.

Me and Chris sat in the waiting room. I was in tears while held me.

"Are you Chris Miles?" The doctor asked Chris

"yeah. How is he?" He asked

"we're sorry we did all we could but he didn't make it"  he explained causing me to cry harder. "He died of a hemorrhage" 

"what caused it?" I questioned

"well a number of stuff could of been the could of been passed down, have any of your family members died or had one?" He asked

"No my mom died but not because of that " I explained and turned to Chris.

"not me" was all he said before he walked away.

"Ellie" I kept hearing jals voice "Snap out of it" Jal said snapping her fingers in my face.

"So if he had a kid the gene would be in the kid?" I asked the nurse

"yes" She said causing Jal and I to exchange glances.

"i've got to go" I said running off.

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