Chapter 5

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Alucard's P.O.V
Alucard had brought Nikita's wrist to his lips as he could smell her blood and even though she was a vampire she scent called to him; he could tell that she could feel what he felt. When she gave him permission to feed he moved her gloves off and frowned seeing that she was healing some. "You must allow yourself a chance to heal; keep going and your body will fail." He moved sitting up and brought Nikita to him as he held her close and remembered when she was younger and often she would come and rest in his room which he had always found amusing but eventually even Integra and Walter knew where she felt safest when they weren't around.

Nikita silently understood what Alucard wanted as he watched her crawl up and cuddle into him as they laid down on the bed relaxing. He waited till he felt Nikita fall asleep before he put out the lights and rested as well as he kept Nikita close and when she would awake he planned on letting her take some of his blood to keep up on her strength.


Alucard woke up in the evening when he heard footsteps and smiled a little seeing Nikita still asleep and he knew that it was Walter that was coming down with breakfast as he had gotten up and already dressed. "Evening Walter."

"Evening Alucard I was looking for Nikita but I figured she would be here; has she been here all day?" Walter set down both buckets with blood.

"Yes she has; tell me how has her healing been during her training sessions?" Alucard grabbed a bag of blood and opened it pouring it into his wine glass with blood.

Walter looked to Alucard seriously before looking to the sleeping female. "She seems to be healing normal is something wrong?"

"Last night she had some bruising on her skin which I know it shouldn't have been possible. Not unless she came into contact with something holy but I couldn't..." Alucard stopped and looked at my gloves as he moved grabbing them and frowned. "She normally takes her gloves off for showers or when she's using her guns in training."

"She had them off the other day during her gun training with the soldiers could someone have tempered with them?" Walter looked at the gloves and he frowned. "Silver? Someone's intentionally harming her. I'll let her mother know keep an eye on her." Walter left with Nikita's gloves as Alucard moved to Nikita and opened a bag of blood waving it near her and chuckled when she woke up yawning and was pale which Alucard didn't like for she was paler then normal. "Morning Nikita."

"Morning Alucard." She winced like she was in pain and Alucard moved to hold her and frowned. "Something's not right I don't feel good."

"Walter and I found silver on the inside of your gloves did you have them off yesterday?"

"Yes but they were in my locker and I didn't pick up any other scents on my locker." Nikita looked up when Integra came back down with Walter and she knew her mother was worried as she showed the slight burns on her hands from the silver.

Integra frowned as she gently took Nikita's hands and examined them. "Alucard; go and see if you can find out who did this and bring them to my office. Walter bring Nikita some..."

"Actually master if she drinks some of my blood she should heal a little quicker then what she would with regular blood. Let me feed her and then I'll take her with me so we can go look for whoever did this to her gloves; I take it Walter will deal with her gloves?"

"Yes I will I'm actually making them more resistant and stronger since I noticed that these gloves have some wear on them." Walter spoke with a soft smile.

Nikita smiled gently and nodded her head. "I would like that please and thank you Walter. I'm sorry I'm worrying you all I'll be alright I promise."

Integra was still worried and kissed Nikita's forehead softly before she went with Walter to see if they could go over the camera's which might not work.

Alucard looked to Nikita before he moved her as he sat on the bed and her on his lap. "Drink some of my blood it will help to heal you a little quicker."

Nikita nodded her head as she watched Alucard pull his sleeve up as she moved and bit feeding from him. He noticed that she was being alert of how much blood she drank which amused him; even after she got turned a couple years ago she was well in control of herself and always took small amounts of blood from Alucard when he would offer.

Nikita pulled back after drinking half a pint of blood but she was healed and had some life to her again. "Thank you Alucard."

"Your welcome Nikita; when did you last have your gloves off?"

"Training yesterday? I wanted to work with my guns some and removed my gloves but I never...there was no burning sensation from the silver. I know I felt tired after training but I had put it down to needing blood and some rest since I had finished near sun rise; thank you for helping me Alucard I really didn't mean to make anyone worry."

Alucard frowned as he held her close and smiled softly for her. "It's not your fault Nikita; it just means we need to find out who could want you harmed."

"I-I'm not sure I mean no one bothers me for anything they all know I don't want anything with a human right now. Not when I could easily harm or kill them." Nikita spoke with sadness showing in her eyes and Alucard held her close and smiled when she cuddled into him.

"You have more control then you think; you just need more confidence in yourself as a vampire. Now come along young master we have trash to find and pay for harming you, no one is ever allowed to harm you so long as we're around Nikita; even Seras has taken to you like a sister and in a way you are for your both Draculina's from my blood line." Alucard spoke proudly as he saw Nikita giggle as she got up and used her powers to dress herself and clean herself. "You have done well with using your powers."

"I have a good teacher; maybe one day I'll have my first familiar can't wait till then." Nikita smiled playfully and went with Alucard to her mother's location and saw that they were questioning the soldiers in her mother's office.

Nikita stayed by Alucard watching and she noticed that one of the younger guys was there and she touched Alucard's arm and spoke mentally to him. 'That young man in the very back wearing the black sunglasses on his head; he's never liked neither myself nor Seras helping their group he thinks very little of vampires.'

Alucard frowned and he entered the humans mind and glared he felt Nikita holding onto his arm to keep him calm. 'Your right it was him; he was hoping to weaken you enough to try for a kill well done.' He walked out of the shadows with Nikita as she walked to her mother greeting her before whispering so only Integra heard along with Seras and Walter all of them tensed before the soldier was told to step forward.

Integra questioned the soldier and when he spoke with fear she had him sent to be dealt with and the rest of the soldiers were dismissed. "Well done Nikita; are you alright?"

"Yes I'm feeling better thanks to Alucard; I'm still slightly tired but that's nothing to worry about."

"Make sure you rest well; we're going to be having a busy week. Myself and Walter will be talking with Iscariot tomorrow...and in a few days the knights of the round table will be here and I want you keeping an eye on Alucard please."

Nikita looked surprised but she wasn't allowed in on meetings till she became head of the family but she knew the members since she had to know who her allies were incase she ever needed help. "Of course mother it won't be a problem."

Alucard x Integra's Daughter Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now