Ch 4: Frindle

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Sang POV


Time starts to fly by and I lose track of how many dates I have spoken to. The only date so far that has stood out was Nathan. He was quite handsome and charming. At first he seemed like he didn't want to be here, but we maintained steady and fun conversation the entire 7 minutes. He's even hitting it off with Karen right now. They are laughing at something about zombies. If he likes her he will be disappointed to find out she plays for the other team. The bell dings again and I look at the name tag of my next 'date'- Victor.

My 7 minute date with Victor is a blur. We talk about music the majority of the time. He is so polite during the conversation; making sure to ask me questions so he's not talking the entire time. He also listens intently as I talk about my favorite composer. It turns out he plays the piano. I talk to him about wanting to learn the piano or violin and he offers to refer me to some good teachers.


The bell rings way to soon in my opinion. Seven minutes with each gentleman in not nearly enough. Although I start to rethink that when my next 'date' sits down.

His name tag says Kyle and he has dark slicked back hair and bloodshot eyes. I thinks he's already had a few too many drinks judging by the way his eyes droop and his speech slurs. His smile is also a little crooked, but I can't be sure if that's a result of the alcohol or his natural smile.

"Hi, Song. I'm Kyle." he's definitely a little drunk if he can't read, "It's Sang, nice to meet you. What do you do for a living?"

"You know what's weird I have these friends who tells me it is not okay that I don't wipe after going to the bathroom."

"Umm, I'm sure they are correct. It's very unsanitary."

"How about you? Do you like me, could we do something after maybe?"

"ohh you'll just have to wait and see..."

"I know what that means."

I could tell be the giddy look on his face that he did not know what that meant.


"Okay ladies and gentleman that was your last date for the night. Please fill out you score cards and toss them in the box upfront before heading over to the mixer!"

I look down and realize I don't have a pen to fill out my card. I look around and see everyone else has a pen, even Karen. I lean across the table and ask my last date for a pen.

"Do you have a pen I can use?"

"If by pen you mean penis then yes."

"That's okay. I'll find another one", I say frustrated by how sleazy this guy is.

"What's wrong with mine?"

"I don't know and I don't want to find out! I just need a pen to mark my scorecard!"

The gentleman at the table next to me with gorgeous green eyes leans over and hands me his pen.

"Here you can use mine."

I smile and look at his name tag. Kota. He was nice in letting me borrow his pen. I also heard how nice he was to the girl next to me even though she was acting very strange. I can tell he's a good person and I am intrigued already even though we have never had a conversation before.

I look down at my score card and know exactly who I want to get to know better. I mark a 1 next to Nathan, Victor and Kota. I know that's not how it's supposed to be done. We are supposed to rank them 1 through 5, but I just can't pick and I'm not going to!

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