Ch 5: Matches and Mixers

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Kota POV


NOOOO!! I was one seat away from the beautiful blonde and the stupid bell rings. I'm usually very good at keeping track of things, but I was so distracted by the bad luck I seem to have with my crazy dates I lost count of how many rounds had gone by. I would have paid the guy in front of me to switch places if I had been able to keep count!

I hear her last date being a total creep, so I decide to make my move and help her out by offering her my pen. It's a small gesture, but I hope it gets her to notice me so we can chat during the mixer.

Everyone heads over to the lounge area for food and drinks. I meet up with Nathan and Victor and notice my mom is talking to a really young looking man.

Nathan notices my mom, "Hey Kota, your mom is a cougar! Look at her over there with that Channing Tatum look a like."

"She's not a cougar", I reply irritated that he would use that word for her.

"Dude, that guy is way younger than her and your moms pretty why can't she be a cougar?"

I look over as Nathan is talking to me and see that my mom is blushing, giggling and touching this guys arm! He seems to be enjoying it because he wraps his arm around her waist and leads her out of the ballroom toward the hotel lobby. Oh god! I hope he's not take her to a room to make out or worse! Wait, what was Nathan just saying?

"You think my mom is pretty? What is wrong with you?"

"No...ummm... I mean she's..."

"So now she's ugly?"

"No jeez Kota, lighten up! She's a pretty lady, but I don't think of her like that. She's like my mom."

Victor is smirking at our little argument and while shaking his head he tells me, "You're just mad you didn't get to talk to the beautiful blonde. You should talk to her now and ask for her number."

I shake my head at him, "That's not how these things work. You're not supposed to ask for people's numbers. You get their contact info if we are matched based on the score cards; it's to avoid awkward rejections. I put her down as 1 even though I didn't get to talk to her."

Victor and Nathan laugh at this and Victor says, "Me too!"

"Me three!", Nathan chimes in.

"Well you only get matched with two people, lets hope it's one of us!" I raise my drink to this and Nathan and Victor both cheer and clink their drinks to mine.

Sang POV


"So girly, how did you like speed dating", Karen says as she hands me a drink.

"I did meet two nice guys during the rounds...the rest were lets just say...interesting."

"Hey look", Karen whispers as she points across the room, "those guys are totally checking you out!"

"I met two of them and the third one let me borrow his pen. I scored all three of them the highest on my card. I hope they did the same for me."

"Wait, let me get this straight, you gave one guy a high score because he let you borrow his pen?"

"Long story, that I don't care to relive" I know Karen is going to push me to tell her the story, but I'm saved by the host of the event approaching us.

"Excuse me, Miss? You filled out your card wrong. You put a 1 next to three names. You need to rank them 1 through 5. You know like 1...2...3...etc."

"Ummm, I know how to count, thank you very much. I just couldn't rank them. I couldn't decide so I gave them all #1s."

"You didn't even meet one of them."

"I know, but I would like to..."

She gives me a stern look then sighs, "Okay fine! I really don't care they all put you as their 1 also. You on the other hand..." She turns and points her glare at Karen who is giving her an innocent look, "...I won't even bother telling you what's wrong with your card". She stomps away and I instantly turn to Karen whose innocent look has turned into a mischievous grin.

"Karen, what did you do to your card?", I ask her apprehensively.

"Well instead of numbers I wrote down warnings next to each name."

I stare at her blankly not knowing what she means by warnings. She must recognize my confused face because she starts explaining what she wrote.

"Like the guy over there with the hat, I wrote 'restraining order' next to his name because he wouldn't stop talking about his ex wife! His vibe just screamed obsessive so if anyone were to break up with him they would need a restraining order", she points to another guy, "Blonde that looks like a model- 'quick shag outside by the back wall. Dude with the sunglasses- 'psychopath'. Short one with the stripe shirt- 'call the police, I've seen this guy on Dateline.'"

I'm laughing at her 'warnings' that no one will see except the host of the event and at the same time I'm horrified that someone just might end up finding the card and coming after us! Like the psychopath with sunglasses!

"Karen, why did you do that?", I ask her.

"Hey, I have no interest in dating any of these guys remember? I just needed something fun to fill my time."

The speed dating event comes to a close and Karen goes home with no matches and I go home with three: Kota, Victor and Nathan. I'm actually starting to see the benefits of this weekend dating marathon.

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