Ch 12: Bet Your Heart

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Sean POV


I'm at my desk this morning and I just sent my date for brunch a message that I'm excited to see her later today.  Her profile picture was cute and I'm really excited for brunch.  I've gone out on a couple dates through this dating site before, but they were nightmares.  I'm hoping this one goes well.

"Sean, why do I have emails from a SexyBum2 and a LoneyNLooking with inappropriate content along with about a dozen more of the same nature?"

Ahh!  He finally noticed the messages girls have been sending him.  Last week I set up a fake profile for Owen.  I loaded it with a bunch of gag quotes and interests just to see who would respond and to piss him off.

"Owen it looks like some people are interested in a date.  You must have a good profile up on the site."

"I don't have an online dating profile."

"Now you do!", I tell him with a grin.  I get up and walk over to his desk to show him his profile.

He starts reading his profile page, "Owen Blackbourne, never leave home without him!  Sean what does that mean?  Why did you put that?"

"It's your tagline!", I repeat the line in my best movie trailer guy voice, "Owen Blackbourne!  Never leave home without him!"  I laugh at his stern face—man!  Nothing seems to make this guy laugh!!  "Come on Owen, it's funny!"

"No Sean it is not.  Look at the rest you put on here... 'First thing people notice about me: my millimeter smile'  What is that?  I don't smile.  Then you write... 'I'm an IT guy, but I won't fix your computer until at least the third date'...I'm not even in IT!!"

"Yeah, but I had to put that in order for the joke to work."

"You write 'my interests are long walks on the beach, rescuing animals and in my spare time I like to twerk'...twerk?  What is a twerk?"

"Owen, it's a twerk.  You like to twerk, you know like Miley Cyrus."  I then begin to show him what twerking is and he just ignores me; turning back to his desk.  I was doing a good job of it too!!  I'm a little offended he wasn't enjoying the show.

"And is that a picture of me sleeping?"

"Yeah it was the only time you'd let me take a picture."

"I'm deleting this!"

"No you can't!  You have like 500 messages."  

"Sean I'm not interested in any of them!"  

"Well I'm going out with a cute blonde tomorrow for brunch, her user name is Trouble10.  You're missing out man, there are girls out there for you."

I made the profile as a joke, but I really do think Owen needs to find someone.  Maybe he will take the hint and start dating, maybe create a real profile and take a chance.  He needs some spice in his life!

"Your right Sean, there are girls out there for me...", see I knew he'd come to his senses!  I'm know the remedy for everything...I am a doctor you know!  Wait.  Why does he have that look in his eye.  Owen continues his thought, "...and I know just the one."

"No Owen!  You can't be serious.  Are you asking Miss Trouble out?  I really do like her."

"Too late, already sent the message to meetup today for brunch."

"But that's when I'm meeting her!"

"I know."

"You sick bastard.  She's not going to say yes when she's already going with me."


"She just replied— she'll be there.  Want to make things interesting?"

"How?", I question him.

"I bet you $100 she will like me more."

Oh it's on!  Owen doesn't know who he's messing with.  I will win this girls heart and beat Owen in the process win — win.

"Fine.  The person that gets a second date with her wins $100 bucks."

"Deal", Owen replies with his trademark millimeter smile.

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