epilogue: christmas

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18+ readers only


Y/N was besotted with her home at Christmas time.

She stood in front of the small cottage that was covered in snow, decorated with twinkling lights and wreaths in each window, her mind swimming with memories from Christmases past. She always loved the silence and stillness of winter, the sight of her house perched quietly on a picturesque hill in the countryside adding to the warmth brimming in her chest.

But the best part of that particular snowy day in December was having her boyfriend cuddled up to her side, admiring the wintery scene ahead that brought her such comfort. His presence only heightened her bliss.

Harry had snowflakes in his curls and a bright smile on his face, nuzzling his cheek against hers. She smiled along with him as she felt his dimple on her frigid skin, trying her best to capture the moment even with her annoying brother grumbling behind them.

"Okay, lovebirds, let's get inside before mum thinks we're skipping out on her." Connor walked past them with his mid sized suitcase rolling behind him, the front door of the cottage cracking open as he neared the porch.

Y/N caught up with him as her mother appeared in the doorway, tears pricking her eyes.

"My babies!" She opened her arms and hugged her twins, squeezing them until it was hard to breathe. Harry trailed behind with a grin on his face, elated to see his best friend and girlfriend so happy. He couldn't wait for his own mother to get there.

"Harry, it's so good to see you!" Ms. Y/L/N exclaimed as she hugged him tightly. "Haven't seen you in ages!"

"Yeah, it's been, what, two years?" He turned to Connor who was nodding his head.

"Yep, he came to visit sophomore year in the summer."

"Where was I?" Y/N inquired.

"I think at a concert or something." Her brother shrugged.

"Well come on in!" Ms. Y/L/N offered. "I've prepared lots of snacks so I hope you're hungry."


"Mum, I have something to tell you," Y/N announced in the middle of the movie marathon taking place in their living room. She placed her bowl of popcorn on the end table to her right and reached for the remote to turn down the volume on her favorite Christmas movie, Home Alone, and took a deep breath.

The afternoon had been just as lovely as Y/N imagined it would be. She and Connor were able to catch up with their mum whilst eating all of their favorite snacks and watching their favorite holiday films. Harry was enjoying himself as well, but he remained rather stiff, sitting on the other end of the couch away from Y/N so as not to cause suspicion. He was nervous about revealing their relationship status. He knew Ms. Y/L/N liked him, but how would she feel about him now that he was dating her daughter?

Ms. Y/L/N's smile dropped as she crossed one leg over the other. "Oh, Y/N...you're not pregnant are you?"

Connor started snickering as Y/N looked at her mother in horror. "No! Of course not!!"

Y/N scowled at her brother before scooting closer to Harry and taking his hand in hers. The corners of his mouth quirked up slightly as he awaited Y/N to reveal the news.

"Harry and I are together...like dating."

Ms. Y/L/N's jaw dropped and she skipped over to them in excitement. "Oh, that's wonderful! I always thought you two would be great together!" She beamed at them before giving them each a hug. "How long has this been going on?"

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