party favors and broken promises*

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(18+ readers only - sexual content)

Harry was sweating profusely.

He had grown tired of college parties over the years - now that he was a senior and had had his fill of college experiences, he would much rather stay home and watch a movie or work on a drawing. But Y/N had summoned him to accompany her to one of the many "start of fall break" parties, and he didn't like disappointing her. They invited Connor as well, but he had plans to stay the night at Coley's flat.

When they arrived at the party, Y/N requested a favor from Harry that caught him off-guard.

"I-I know this might sound weird," she stammered with a precarious expression on her face, "but can we act like we' know, here together? I mean I know we're literally here together, but...can we pretend we're dating? Isaac is supposed to be here and I kind of ghosted him a couple weeks ago. After that date we had, I just stopped answering his calls and texts, and I've been ignoring him in class."

That was how Harry had found himself seated on a small couch with a tipsy Y/N in his lap, and it's not that he wasn't thrilled, but his pants were tightening in the crotch area. Having Y/N's cleavage in his face also didn't help in the least bit; he had never been this flustered around a woman. The temperature in the crowded room was too warm for his liking, and even though Y/N had kept complimenting his green patchwork jacket, he needed some cooler air on his skin.

As he wiggled out of his jacket, Y/N pouted but remained quiet, sensing his discomfort. She was pretty warm herself, even in just her deep pink strapless dress.

Harry's right hand was awkwardly stationed on the thick of her thigh, his arm wrapped around her waist loosely. He was sipping on his beer and avoiding her gaze, barely saying a word to her. It was driving her crazy; he wasn't acting like himself. She leaned into him, her lips scantily brushing over his ear as she spoke loud enough so he would hear her, but not loud enough for anyone else to eavesdrop. "I have to use the loo, come with me?"

Harry nodded and helped her out of his lap, splaying his hand across the small of her back and steadying her on her feet. Linking her fingers with his, she pulled him in the direction of the washroom only to stop suddenly as she rounded the corner with Harry following closely behind.

"Oh, there's Isaac," she whispered, nudging her head toward the kitchen where a fraction of Isaac's face could be detected. He was talking with one of the football players, and his voice was getting louder, signaling he would be walking right past them any second.

As Isaac left the kitchen, Y/N took Harry by the shoulders and leaned up on her tiptoes, kissing his cheek swiftly. "Be right back, babe." She smiled and Harry tried to act as natural as possible, which was difficult considering his cheeks were burning from Y/N's show of affection. Isaac looked at Harry funnily, but then shrugged and continued on his way.

Harry wasn't so sure that Isaac even cared that Y/N hadn't taken things further with him, and he felt like Y/N knew that as well. So why would she keep up the charade?


The drinks were flowing, and Harry was beginning to feel confident and maybe a little smug with Y/N on his arm.

Isaac had left the party, but Y/N told Harry she wanted him to keep humoring her because she didn't want any guys hitting on her, and Harry was happy to oblige. As the pair became more inebriated, they grew more handsy with one another, Harry squeezing Y/N's hips before he would depart to the kitchen for another beer. At one point he even kissed her cheek just as she had done with him earlier.

It was getting late, so Y/N got on her phone to order an Uber for the two of them while Harry went to get them both some water. As he was leaving the kitchen, Y/N approached him, leaning against the wall as he handed her a water bottle.

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